The Top Reasons to Start Using a VPN

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A VPN is a private and controlled network that you can use to connect to the internet. When you use a VPN, your connection is encrypted, and your network is secure. Most people don’t think about using a VPN for their everyday internet activities. But it’s always better to use a VPN to prevent security breaches and keep your information and browsing activity private, rather than waiting until you encounter a security problem. Even if you have not been the victim of a data breach, using a VPN can have many benefits including allowing you to access sites that aren’t normally available in your area, protecting you from the security risks of getting online using public Wi-Fi networks. It will keep your browsing data private and more.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider investing in and using a VPN.

Greater Privacy When Browsing:

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) could access your internet browsing history at any time. While this might be something that you are grateful for when it comes to catching serious criminals, knowing that your browsing history is not completely private can also feel like a huge invasion of your personal privacy. Using a VPN allows you to keep your browsing history more anonymous and private.

Easier internet Access When Traveling:

If you’re traveling, you might find that accessing the sites that you want to use is not as easy in some countries. For example, if you visit China, getting online and using the sites that you are used to is going to be impossible without a VPN since many popular sites like Google and Facebook are banned in China. With a VPN you can connect to a server in a country where those sites are available, allowing you to continue to use them while traveling. You can do this by setting your VPN to change location. With Atlas VPN, you can change location to almost anywhere in the world regardless of where you physically are. This allows you to immediately browse under a different IP address and bypass website or content restrictions in other countries.

Safer Public Wi-Fi Use:

While public Wi-Fi has gotten safer to use in the past few years, it is still not the safest connection option, especially if you are using it to access potentially sensitive information such as your online banking account. If you use public Wi-Fi for personal or work use, the best thing to do is connect through a VPN, as this will ensure that your connection is completely secure and reduce your risk of being targeted by hackers for the information that you are accessing over the network.

Access Location Restricted Content:

Watching a movie or TV show that is being streamed on a popular site can be frustrating if you go to search for it only to find that it is not available in your country. Some shows are released in other countries first while others are only available in certain parts of the world. Using a VPN, you can change the IP address of your computer, which ultimately allows you to unblock geo-restricted content and get access to it your country. This can also be handy when you are traveling since it allows you to continue getting access to the content that you normally watch at home.

Secure VoIP Calls:

VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is becoming an increasingly more popular way to make cheap and convenient phone calls using the internet. However, there are some risks to consider when making VoIP calls, including the fact that these services can be hacked, leaving the phone calls that you make no longer private. If you use VoIP calling for work or personal use, a VPN is a good way to ensure that all the conversations you are having are secure and private.

Safer Working From Home:

If you have been working from home recently as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, then using a VPN for work can be an ideal way to protect your privacy and security while working remotely. Security issues and hacking attempts have been one of the biggest issues faced by employers and employees throughout the pandemic, as hackers find that it’s much easier to access sensitive business information through home Wi-Fi networks rather than secure workplace networks. If you are working from home right now, a VPN can be a simple yet effective method of protecting yourself against targeted attacks.

Stop Google Tracking You:

While Google is a popular search engine around the world offering a range of internet services including Gmail and G Drive, it’s hard to deny that Google knows more about us than we might actually want it to. This search engine has more information on its users than many of us realize. Along with using an alternative search engine that does not track your activity such as DuckDuckGo, you may also want to consider using a VPN to hide your IP.

Wider Download Options:

Most ISPs today will immediately block your IP address from using torrent services to make downloads, even if you are using them to access legal content that you are well within your rights to download. This is because torrent services like BitTorrent have long been used to access illegal or pirated content, which governments are cracking down on. But this is bad news for people who use torrent services for legal purposes, as torrent downloads are not illegal in and of themselves. Using a VPN can make it easier for you to access torrent services to download legal content. A VPN will change your IP address to another location and make you more anonymous online, while encrypting your connection and making it harder for hackers to intercept your movements and browsing history. Whether you want to access geo-restricted content, be safer when working from home or on public Wi-Fi, or simply prefer the idea of being more anonymous when browsing, using a VPN is the best way to achieve all this and more.

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