Oral Health Issues

Restorative Dentistry for Different Oral Health Issues in a Patient

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Your oral and dental wellness can depend significantly on the structures of your jaw, teeth, bone, and other components. Any damage or deformity can impact your mouth functions, creating a challenge with eating, speaking, and others. For these, you can seek restorative dental treatment. The specialists can manage various issues to help you recover from your troubles and enjoy a smooth life. Here are some significant problems that can be treatable with the restorative dental process.

Jaw joints

Jaw joint problems can emanate from many underlying causes and factors. For example, teeth grinding strains the jaw joint, making it painful and inflamed. Another possible cause can be an injury to the jaw, which can damage the joint and cause stiffness and pain. Occasionally, arthritis can be responsible for stiff and painful jaw points. Different conditions can demand unique treatments for improvement. For example, a dentist can recommend a mouthguard if teeth grinding is the cause. If arthritis is the main issue, you may need anti-inflammatory medication. No matter the reason, it is better to get it checked with an expert for proper treatment. Have you heard terms like TMD or TMJ in the context of jaws?

The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, links the skull and the lower jaw. It regulates jaw movement on the two sides of the face. This joint can be vulnerable to TMD, or temporomandibular disorder, which can cause dysfunction and pain. As hinted above, TMD can result from arthritis, teeth grinding, and injury to the jaw.

Geriatric care

The elderly population has unique dental needs that demand special attention from dental care providers. With age, oral health can take a severe beating due to reduced saliva production. When this happens, a person faces the problem of dry mouth that heightens their tooth decay risks. Additionally, most older adults face chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and dementia, which can affect their oral health.

You can expect the best care when you go to a specialist for geriatric patients. They can analyze their oral health risks and help prevent or address them. Additionally, they would know about the effects of medications their elderly patients are taking and ensure that their elderly patients can maintain good oral health despite their side effects.

Cleft palates and CMT

Cleft palates and congenitally missing teeth (CMT) are two conditions that can occur together or separately. When the roof of the mouth remains underdeveloped, the person faces the issue of cleft palate. And CMT refers to the condition where a person suffers from missing teeth from birth. Anyway, these can affect a person’s dental functioning and smile tremendously. That’s why medical intervention is crucial. Usually, for cleft palate, dentists recommend surgery to close the slit. You can also talk to someone like Dr. Roland Pagniano DDS, for a better understanding. For other conditions, dentures or dental implants can be the procedures. A dental implant involves surgery and can be a permanent solution, while dentures tend to be removable devices.

Like other body parts, your teeth, gums, and jaws can also be susceptible to health risks. You must protect and maintain them well, so your overall health doesn’t suffer. Hence, make sure to take dental help.

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