
Despite digital boom, Indian offline smartphone MBOs acted as influencers, dominated smartphone buying market in Q1 & Q2 2021: PredictiVu Report

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  • PredictiVu’s MBO Smartphone India Overview Report 2021 (Q1-Jan-Mar ’21 & Q2Apr-Jun ‘21) reveals that crucial benefits like personalized shopping experience, instant delivery, touch & feel, unbiased product review, product authenticity drove offline smartphone MBOs growth despite the pandemic impact and rise of online smartphone sales competition
  • India’s overall smartphone market witnessed a slump of -51.7% & -54.6% in sales volume and value in Q2 ‘21 amidst the Covid19 2ND wave
  • Although India’s top 5 metros leaned towards online channels and top 50 Indian cities accounted for 60% of smartphone sales, MBOs claimed 45% of the total sales
  • Among all smartphone brands, Vivo, Xiaomi, Samsung and OPPO hold the respective top spots in Q1&Q2 2021 among MBO Smartphone brands by share of value and volume
  • West India and South India topped in Q1 and Q2 respectively in both sales volume and value 
  • Omni-channel, Tech Savviness, Hyperlocal Business Models will drive strategic partnership between Smartphone brands and offline Retail MBOs

New Delhi, Aug 16, 2021: PredictiVu, India’s leading analytics firm, today unveiling their MBO Smartphone India Overview Report 2021 data,revealed that the ensuing lockdown and tough competition from online sales during the pandemic had no damaging impact on the Indian offline smartphone MBOs. Acting as influencers and guiding smartphone buying sentiments of consumers, offline retail emerged as the biggest sales channel in India contributing more than half of all smartphone sales despite the unprecedented pandemic triggered online boom. The report based on an analysis of data collected from around 5k MBO retailers from top 50 cities in India integrated into their AI powered visualization tool – DMO, reflects interesting insights and trends of the growing offline retail MBO segment for smartphone brands. 

PredictiVu Insights | MBOs : Smartphone Brands Performance by Value and Volume 
Share by VolumeShare by Value

Q1 ‘21
Vivo (26%) toppedOppo & Samsung both ranked 2nd with 22% share each

Q1 ‘21
Vivo (28%) topped.Samsung and Oppo both claimed 2nd spot, with 22% share each.Xiaomi (11%) and Realme (8%) took 3rd and 4th spots respectively.

Q2 ‘21
VIVO (24%) topped. Xiaomi (21%) claimed the 2nd spot. Oppo (19%) & Samsung (17%) and took 3rd and 4th spots respectively. 

Q2 ‘21
Vivo (27%) toppedOppo & Xiaomi both claimed 2nd spot taking 19% share each Samsung (17%) and Realme (10%) took 3rd and 4th spots respectively.
Share by VolumeShare by Value

 Q1 ‘21 
West India topped with 39%North India ranked 2nd with 28%East India had the lowest share by volume
Q1 ‘21
West India topped with 21% North India ranked 2nd with 27%East India has the lowest share by value

Q2 ‘21
South India topped with 31%West India ranked 2nd spot with 27%East India improved claiming 3rd spot Q2 ‘21South India topped with 31% North India ranked 2nd with 27%East India improved claiming 3rd spot

The report says that strong consumer trust and constructive steps taken by the 3 key pillars of the industry – Retailers, Smartphone Brands and the Government will continue to fortify the intrinsic strength of MBOs in the upcoming quarters. Regardless of the pandemic crisis, lockdowns, and increasing competition from e-com giants, MBOs including the small and regional players, will continue to flourish.

PredictiVu Insights | MBOs : Ways in which Retailers, Smartphone Brands and The Government will Influence the market
MBOs/RetailersSmartphone BrandsGovernment
To bet big on store expansion, strategic partnerships and pricing strategyTier 2 & 3 cities to drive offline retail channel business sentiments in 2021.  Govt. policy on e-com site flash sales ban that gave a prominent head-start to MBOs collective strength 
Large ones going Omni-channel, tech savvy and turning to Hyperlocal Business ModelsSmartphone brand majors like Xiaomi, Realme offline presence expansion and third party offline retail specialists for inventory management  Ruling that e-com to ensure that none of the related parties and associated enterprises are listed as sellers on their sites
Mid to small MBOs, on increased awareness to follow the trends of large chainsConsumer trust in brick & mortar store models in deeper pockets and cities where a mass market lie is driving strategic partnerships between brands and offline retailersPolicies and Regulations to positively impact offline MBO’s business prospects and significance among Smartphone brand players

Introducing the report, Kunal Sarkar, Vice President, PredictiVu, said, “Offline retail MBOs will significantly drive smartphone growth prospect in the coming quarters. It’s interesting to note under PredictiVu’s analysis that within the top 50 Indian cities that accounted for 60% of smartphone sales, MBOs claimed 45% of the total sales. The pandemic led challenges have not mellowed down MBOs prominence in the consumer mind but instead have driven growth due to the unique nature of benefits they have offered. This influencer community is a key component in the marketing strategy and brand war of top smartphone brands who plan to expand brand reach and penetrate deeper into cities and towns now.” “Am happy unveiling PredictiVu’s MBO Smartphone India Overview Report: Apr-June 2021 which will aid smartphone brand marketers to set appropriate marketing goals in a post pandemic recovery phase”, he added.

Rajesh Kurup, Strategic Advisory Board, PredictiVu said, “Deriving near real-time analytics for a dynamic market like the offline smartphone MBO segment that holds immense potential for a brand’s success needed firstly holistic understanding and secondly, appropriate integration of diverse inputs right from consumers, ad-spends, Retail and

Social listening.  This report prepared with the insight from PredictiVu’s dashboard, that excellently embodies all of the above, will definitely allow smartphone brand marketers to monitor and manage marketing interventions better both at an enterprise and specific segment level.”

About PredictiVu:

PredictiVu is India first of its kind analytics firm and one-stop solution for CMOs and marketers, specialized in correlating marketing campaign performance at an immense granular level with proprietary retail purchase data, digital trends, customer preferences, media spend, to deliver near-real-time business intelligence insights 10 times faster than traditional methods. With AI/ML powered data visualization tools and solutions, the firm aims to deliver exceptionally agile, flexible, reliable consolidated, and holistic business intelligence insights that can help marketers drive business growth for enterprises and brands, map competitor performance at deeper level and maximize the RoI of marketing live campaigns. Headquartered at Gurugram, PredictiVu’s investors include Nomura Research Institute and Info-bridge Marketing and Promotions Co. Ltd. which bring in decades of industry, analytics, and consulting experience. For more info, visit,

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