
Common Cyber Security Measures: Which One To Choose?

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As a small business owner, you might easily think that your business is exempt from cybersecurity issues since you have nothing huge that can attract such attacks.

However, a Fundera stat has shown that about 50% of cyber-attacks are geared towards small businesses, costing them over $2.2 million annually. And at least 60% of these businesses crash within six months after the attack.

But why exactly are small businesses attacked?

Almost every cyber attack, whether on small or big businesses, is aimed at obtaining sensitive data that can aid identity theft. And while big businesses have more data that can attract cybercrimes, small businesses have less secure networks, which can be easily breached.

So, cybercriminals are more likely to pick on breaching several small business networks than big ones with stronger network security. And because many small business owners still handle cybersecurity with levity, the figures continue to increase.

Cyber security has become a critical part of any thriving business since the birth of the internet. And as remote work increases, it becomes even more important to protect data and cloud-based systems from exposure, breaches, and hacks.

Whether your company is researching, conducting long-distance conferences, buying and selling, conducting banking transactions, or identifying new markets, every business needs the internet to run efficiently.In addition, several modern enterprises now leverage cloud-based tools and technology, such as Tentacle Information Security, to perform their business responsibilities, making the demand for reliable cybersecurity measures even more crucial.

So, whether your business is just starting with implementing network security and considering which should work, or you’re just looking to step it up, here are common cybersecurity measures that will help transform your network, secure it, and position your business for success.

1. Control Data Access

Data should only be accessed and used for the specific purpose they are authorized. SASE and Zero Trust architecture are two essential factors for controlling access to data and systems.

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a principle that secures data to the point of use by devices and users. A security measure that is highly recommended for companies operating remote systems. SASE suites regulate the tech and infrastructure used in cloud-based management systems.

On the other hand, Zero Trust architecture controls how data is accessed and used by authenticating and validating users at every point. The mantra used to define Zero Trust in a direct and simple term is, “trust none, verify all.”

This implies that no should be granted to company resources without a user or device being authenticated. SASE builds a system that makes  Zero Trust flexible and manageable. Companies can combine both to secure their apps and data.

SASE vs. Zero Trust: SASE is a complete approach to security with a focus on proactively protecting an organization, while Zero Trust is targeted at eliminating security risks by giving access to resources only after it is earned.

SASE particularly notifies business owners on the measures to take to deploy certain security and networking technologies. But Zero Trust operates more as a process of consistently monitoring and eliminating threat actors through different technologies with specialized functions.

Hence, we can regard Zero Trust as a security strategy and SASE as a solution to effectively implement Zero Trust.

Combining these network security measures helps to:

  • Control physical access to enterprise networks and premises.
  • Prevent unauthorized access.
  • Control data access and usage through application features.
  • Limit the transfer of particular attachments on emails.
  • Restrict how data is reproduced and stored on devices.
  • Managing user authentication and registration processes

2. Ensure Regular Software Update

Ensuring software updates is one of the most crucial measures to upholding network security. It helps eliminate vulnerabilities that make it easy for hackers to access your network. To ensure regular software updates, you can do any of the following:

  • Turn on automatic updates on your computers or smart devices.
  • Ensure that your web browser plugins, such as Java, Flash, and so on, are updated.
  • Make sure that your computer has automatic security updates.

With your programs and systems kept up to date constantly, you can prevent bugs and falling prey to cybercriminals.

3. Back Up All Sensitive Data Often

While it may be quite expensive to back up every data on your network, you can focus on the sensitive ones. With the increasing trend in ransomware attacks backing up your data can save your business.

Ransomware is one of the dominating cyber attacks today, with pushing attacks taking the lead. In fact, a report by Identity Theft Center shows that ransomware attacks have doubled in recent times. If you experience a ransomware attack, you’ll be unable to access important business data because an attacker will have encrypted it. And until you have paid a random, the special key used in locking out the data will not be disclosed. This kind of situation can cripple business operations.

In addition, your computer system can crash, data can be mistakenly deleted, data storage breaches and other forms of data loss can occur. The result could be devastating if your data is stored in a single place.

Ensure that your backups are properly preserved, encrypted, and constantly updated. Also, consider distributing backup tasks among different people to control potential threats.

Having a robust backup strategy also implies that you have a strong system against accidents. For example, avoid implementing the same passwords for your backups and production environment. Consider offline endpoints instead for your backups and control how it is accessed.

4. Use a Strong Password with a Password Management Tool

It is important that you can easily remember your password, but not easy to guess. Consider including at least an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, and four symbols and figures.

In addition, restrain from repeating passwords for accessing different accounts of resources. A password management tool will make it easier to manage your passwords.

Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Measures

Set Goals

Privileged Access Management, an essential component of cybersecurity, is crucial in setting cybersecurity goals to meet your business needs. Involve key stakeholders such as the support teams, IT teams, the C-suite, and management in the risk assessment process and determining a risk tolerance level.

Determining the Right Security Architecture

A good cybersecurity architecture will help to create a system that will proactively detect, counter, and restore in a cybersecurity situation. It will help to identify risks and ultimately secure company assets.

Also Read: 8 Cybersecurity Mistakes You Might Be Making And How To Address Them



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