Boris Arciniegas

Business IT

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Companies in the digital age are looking for ways to continue to drive innovation while balancing those innovations’ side effects. The challenge might not seem unique because every company out there is dealing with the same tension. The only difference is the new variables that are achieved to mix both digital and physical worlds together. The global information technology segment is all set to reach new heights, and the growth of new technologies is powering the waves of innovation builds. Digital technologies have risen to such prominence that it has become a critical determinant of economic growth, international competitiveness, and national security. One of the overlooked factors in IT is “going green.” For most IT people, going green means just two things: helping the environment and saving electricity. Going green is much bigger than that, and it creates a bottom line for the company. 

IT is the heart of every successful business, and it is so pervasive that it has moved to center stage for many companies in their pursuit of environmentally-helpful practices. Business IT is one of the most innovative business groups, specializing in high-tech services, with a presence in several Latin American countries. The company has a team of more than 130 first-rate professionals for the execution of your projects.Business IT was founded in 2009, and it is based in Ecuador. Green IT enables organizations to reduce their operational costs, increase efficiency, and improve productivity through sustainable and environmentally friendly IT practices. These sustainable practices are based on cloud technologies, Business IT is one of the main providers in Latin America of the most secure public cloud in the world: Microsoft Azure.

The Strategy has several edges that have led Business IT to be a leader in the IT segment:

The first is our ability to change faster than our competition. Charles Darwin summarizes this ability in one sentence: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the smartest that survives. It is the one that adapts the fastest to change”.

The second quality is to analyze the best practices of the most successful companies in the world: Google, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, etc. After we analyze these practices, we adapt them to our reality and then quickly implement them as new processes. For Example, we use the same Google system to manage the company’s objectives, called OKRs

The third quality is what we call interfaces. It is to create bridges between internal and external. We have a large number of algorithms and automated workflows that allow you to bring all the external information flow to the right internal people in a timely manner. This allows us to scale rapidly with minimal resources.

Yeah, that’s right. Complacency is one of the worst enemies of innovation. The important thing is not to innovate a day, a week, or a month; innovation must be part of the company culture. Everyone internally must understand that being # 1 is only sustainable over time if we constantly keep creating disruptive solutions. A phrase that summarizes this way of living culture would be: the only competitive advantage over time is the ability to innovate faster than your competition

There are several strategies to get ahead of the competition. First, to move and change faster than our competition. Second, to have the competition close, that is, we are constantly monitoring them to determine changes in their portfolio, new competitive advantages they are taking out, key personnel they are incorporating, etc. Third, and mainly, use “EXPERIMENTATION” a lot, that is, we can have several ideas on how to optimize ourselves internally, but we need to test the hypotheses and constantly experiment with controlled risks. Traditional organizations try to scale in efficiency and predictability, creating static (controlled growth) environments with the belief that they will reduce risks.

Entrepreneurship is not an easy task and is not for everyone. In Latin America there is a high rate of entrepreneurship but also the failure rate is higher than other regions such as Asia-Pacific or North America. Therefore, my main advice would be to undertake at the right time, when they have met a series of requirements:

  • Knowledge of Design Thinking and Lean Startup
  • Have an idea that already has a minimum viable product and that has been tested at least once.
  • The new startup must seek to generate a purpose of mass transformation
  • Solid financial knowledge
  • At least 1 year of sales experience

Before the pandemic, every three months, we updated our portfolio with new services. Currently, we can do it every three weeks. This means reorienting the company in all its areas towards a new direction; now more than ever, the plan must have constant adjustments because we are living in an environment of high uncertainty. For example, these days we are launching a whole new Cybersecurity offer implemented on world-class platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 that provide full integration with many Systems, providing information security, agility and global coverage to organizations.

“Together we are building an awesome company from a small country like Ecuador (unknown in many parts of the world), with a great team of warriors who want to change the world through technology. We face every day large multinationals companies seeking global domination. Actually we are one of the main technology companies in Latin America.”

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