
The Do’s and Don’ts of Poem Citation in Academic Writing

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In academic writing, the importance of citing sources must be balanced. This practice not only upholds academic integrity but also allows readers to track down sources for further study. When it comes to poetry, citing can be more nuanced than for other texts. Understanding the dos and don’ts of poem citation is not just a matter of following rules; it’s about respecting the poet’s work and providing an apparent reference for your audience. For a comprehensive guide, you might want to explore how to cite a poem for clear and detailed instructions.

Understanding Poem Citations

Poem citation involves correctly referencing lines of poetry within academic work. It’s crucial because poetry often concisely conveys complex ideas, and misquoting or improperly citing can distort the original meaning. Different citation styles like MLA, APA, and Chicago have specific guidelines for citing poetry. The unique aspect of quoting poetry lies in preserving the original format, which often contributes to its meaning.

The Do’s of Poem Citation

Poem citation in academic writing requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that the original essence and format of the poem are preserved. Here are some essential do’s to keep in mind:

Accurately Quote Lines as They Appear in the Poem

When quoting from a poem, it is crucial to replicate the exact words as they appear in the original text. Even a minor alteration can change the meaning or disrupt the rhythm and flow intended by the poet. This accuracy respects the poet’s work and ensures that your interpretation remains true to the source.

Include Line Numbers in In-Text Citations

In-text citations should include specific line numbers to direct the reader to the exact part of the referenced poem. This practice is beneficial in poetry, where the exact phrase might recur or where the meaning of a line can depend heavily on its context within the poem.

Maintain the Original Formatting and Punctuation of the Poem

Poetry often relies on structure and punctuation to convey meaning, rhythm, and emphasis. When quoting from a poem, maintain the original line breaks, indents, capitalization, and punctuation marks. This preservation ensures that the poem’s integrity and stylistic choices are respected.

Cite the Poet’s Name and the Title of the Poem

Always acknowledge the creator by citing the poet’s name. Include the poem’s title to provide apparent reference for your readers. This information can typically be included in the introduction to your quote or in a parenthetical citation, depending on your citation style.

Use Block Quotes for Longer Excerpts

When quoting more extended sections of a poem, use block quotes. The threshold for using a block quote varies with different citation styles: MLA style typically uses block quotes for more than three lines of poetry, while APA suggests using it for more than 40 words. In a block quote, maintain the original line breaks and do not use quotation marks.

Provide a Reference or Works Cited Entry for the Poem

At the end of your paper, include a complete citation of the poem in your works cited or reference list. This entry should contain full details about the poem, such as the poet’s name, title, the book or collection in which the poem was found, the editor’s name, if applicable, the publication year, and the page numbers.

The Don’ts of Poem Citation

While citing poetry in academic writing, certain practices should be strictly avoided to maintain the integrity of the original work and ensure proper academic standards. Here are some critical don’ts in poem citation:

Alter the Wording or Structure of the Poem

One of the cardinal rules in citing poetry is never to alter the poem’s wording or structure. This means that the poem should be quoted exactly as it is written, without changing any words, the order of words, or its original structure. Even minor alterations can significantly change the meaning or disrupt the poetic form, which could misrepresent the poet’s intentions.

Ignore the Unique Format of the Poem in Citations

Poetry often employs specific formats and structures crucial to its meaning and aesthetic. When citing poetry, it’s important to replicate the original formatting, including line breaks, stanza arrangement, and punctuation. Ignoring these elements can diminish the poem’s impact and lead to misinterpretation.

Overlook the Need to Cite the Poem Just Because It Is Short

Length does not exempt a poem from being cited. Even if you use a short phrase or a single line from a poem, it is essential to provide proper citation. This practice requires academic honesty and respect for the poet’s intellectual property.

Neglect the Differences in Citation Styles for Different Academic Contexts

Academic disciplines and journals may prefer citation styles such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Each style has its own set of rules for citing poetry. It’s essential to be aware of and adhere to the specific guidelines of your citation style, as this ensures consistency and accuracy in your academic writing.

Rely Solely on Secondary Sources Without Consulting the Original Poem

While secondary sources can provide valuable interpretations and analyses, they should not replace the original poem regarding citation. Always refer to the original poem to ensure that your citations are accurate. This practice is crucial for maintaining the authenticity of your interpretation and analysis.

Examples of Correct and Incorrect Poem Citations

Effective academic writing, like 1000-word essay writing,  involves understanding the rules of citation and applying them correctly. Let’s explore some examples of correct and incorrect ways to cite poems, an analysis of common mistakes, and tips for avoiding them provided by Robert S Hicks, a college literature professor.

Example 1: Quoting a Short Section of a Poem

  • Correct Citation (MLA Style): In Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” the speaker reflects on choices and consequences: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less traveled by” (Frost, lines 18-19).
  • Incorrect Citation: Robert Frost, in his poem, writes about making different choices: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled.”

Analysis: The incorrect example alters the original line breaks and wording and omits the line numbers. It’s essential to quote the poem verbatim and include line numbers for proper citation.

Example 2: Citing a Longer Excerpt

Correct Citation (APA Style): Frost (1916) portrays the contemplation of choices as follows:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel to both

  • And be one traveler, long I stood (lines 1-3).

Incorrect Citation: Frost (1916) wrote about a traveler in the woods who had to choose between two paths:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

  • And sorry I could not travel both (1-2).

Analysis: The incorrect citation needs to include part of the quoted section and also needs to use block formatting for a more extended excerpt. For longer quotes, proper block format should be used, and the excerpt should be quoted as it appears in the original work.

Example 3: Citing with Emphasis on Formatting

Correct Citation (Chicago Style): As observed in Emily Dickinson’s poem:
“Because I could not stop for Death –

He kindly stopped for me –

The Carriage held but just Ourselves –

  • And Immortality” (Dickinson, stanza 1).
  • Incorrect Citation: In Dickinson’s poem, it says, “Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me, The Carriage held but just Ourselves and Immortality.”

Analysis: The incorrect citation needs to maintain the original line breaks and punctuation, altering the poem’s structure. Remember, the formatting of the poem is as crucial as its words.


Correctly citing poems in your academic work shows respect for the original work and its creator, enhancing the clarity and credibility of your writing. Paying attention to these do’s and don’ts ensures that your engagement with the poem is both respectful and academically sound.

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