
6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Office Fire-Prepared [Ultimate Guide]

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If you want your office to be prepared for a fire, there are a couple of points to consider. Some of the few include protecting your client’s data, creating an evacuation plan, and identifying any safety hazards. Keep reading for more information.

1. Protect Office Data

From top company details, to exclusive client information, there probably is a lot of important data in your office. Have all of this data stored in a cloud in case of a fire. Now, the cloud system you choose is completely up to you. But we would recommend doing your research so that you find an option that is well reviewed.

Not only would storing your data on a cloud save important information, but you would be able to save hardware costs too – you won’t have to worry about expensive equipment getting destroyed.

2. Create an Evacuation Plan

Having an evacuation plan is smart. Now, creating an evacuation plan is easy too. There are plenty online that you can base yours off of. To make the best plan, study your building’s layout, then tweak any well reviewed plans to your office’s layout too.

Once the plan has been made, practice it a couple of times. This will make sure your staff will know what to do in the moment of disaster. In our opinion, at least 2 times a year is the best.

3. Test Equipment

Make sure that you’ve tested any fire safety equipment that you have installed. You know they work, so you won’t have to get them fixed or replaced. Have your fire equipment checked out at least twice a month. This is especially true for your smoke detectors, as you won’t know if there is a fire until it’s too late, otherwise.

4. Upgrade Your Equipment

While on the topic of fire safety equipment, make sure you have the best fire suppression systems for advanced protection. You might want to swap the ones you have for better, newer options.

5. Equipment Location

Of course, any safety equipment that you’ve installed should be in easy to reach locations. Once you’ve installed them, don’t swap them out. Your staff may be confused and not be able to find them, otherwise.

6. Identify Potential Hazards

Go through your office and find anything flammable, or fire prone that may be lying around. Most of the time, these would include stoves, ovens, and anything with gasoline.

To take care of this, place warning labels that these items are potential hazards. Try and keep them in spots that less people would want to use them too.

Final Thoughts

Considering all of the points that we went through, what do you think? There are many ways to keep your office fire safe. As you saw in my guide, creating an evacuation plan, practicing it a couple of times a year, and protecting your data are some of the points to consider. This way, in case of a fire you won’t have to worry.

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