Falcon Heavy rocket

With its new Falcon Heavy rocket launch SpaceX sends Tesla in the space

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With its Falcon Heavy rocket launch SpaceX sends Tesla in the space.

The new Falcon Heavy rocket is a large, reusable launch vehicle which can carry heavier payloads than it can with its Falcon 9.

SpaceX launched its new Falcon Heavy rocket for the first time, a major milestone in the company’s quest to grow its customer base and fund Elon Musk’s vision of making life multiplanetary.

The courageous part of all was the re-landing of multiple rocket cores back on earth. Two of these touched down on land in tandem, and the plan for the third was for it to settle back on an unmanned drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean. The video feed on the drone ship cut out before the company could know the landing.

As per its launch manifest, the company is already paying customers committed to flying with Falcon Heavy, including commercial satellite operators Arabsat, Inmarsat and Viasat. More importantly, the US Air Force also chose Falcon Heavy for its STP-2, or Space Test Program 2, mission, though the vehicle still needs to go through certification.

The company has put cameras on the car to capture views of it as it floated through space. Also, behind the wheel there was “Starman,” a dummy clad in the same suit that astronauts will wear during SpaceX’s Crew Dragon flights to the International Space Station.

Also, with this there is a nearly indestructible disk carrying a digital copy of Isaac Asimov’s science fiction book series, Foundation, and a plaque engraved with the names of SpaceX’s 6,000 employees is on-board the car.

This successful test flight means that now SpaceX can move forward with missions for paying customers. Musk announced added that the first one should take place within three to six months.

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