Handling Facility Cleaning Chemicals

Best Practices for Storing and Handling Facility Cleaning Chemicals

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Proper storage and handling of cleaning chemicals are crucial in facility management for the safety of both employees and the environment. Implementing best practices in this area minimizes risks and ensures effective cleaning results. In this post, we will explore the top best practices for storing and handling facility cleaning chemicals.

1. Utilize Proper Storage Equipment:

Dedicated storage areas for facility management cleaning products are essential to maintain a safe working environment. These areas should be secured and equipped with appropriate shelving units, cabinets, or lockers exclusively designed for storing chemicals. Containers should have labels indicating their contents, expiry dates if applicable, danger warnings (such as flammability or reactivity), and safety data sheet information.

2. Keep Chemicals in Their Original Containers:

Transferring cleaning chemicals into different containers can increase the risk of accidents and chemical reactions if incompatible substances mix unintentionally. Keeping the products in their original packaging is important unless specific requirements demand otherwise. Manufacturers often design their containers with safety features that contribute to proper storage conditions.

3. Store Chemicals Separately:

Avoid potential chemical reactions by storing different types of cleaners separately based on compatibility guidelines provided on product labels or safety data sheets (SDS). For instance, acids should be stored away from alkalis as they can react violently when mixed together. Keeping a clear separation prevents accidental spills or dangerous fumes from being released.

4. Ventilation and Temperature Control:

Proper air circulation is vital when storing cleaning chemicals to prevent toxic fumes from accumulating in the storage area. Ideally, Facilities should have well-ventilated storage rooms or cabinets equipped with exhaust systems to expel harmful vapors outside.

Furthermore, certain chemicals are highly sensitive to temperature fluctuations, so storing them at the recommended temperatures listed on their product labels is important. Extreme heat or cold can deteriorate chemical potency and effectiveness over time.

5. Establish an Inventory Management System:

Maintaining an up-to-date inventory management system is crucial for efficient chemical storage and handling. This helps to ensure that necessary chemicals are on hand when needed, minimizes the risk of overstocking or dilapidated stock, and enables accurate compliance with health and safety regulations.

Including key information such as product names, quantities, purchase dates, expiration dates, and safety data sheet links can contribute to effective inventory management.

6. Properly Train and Educate Staff:

Proper training is indispensable for employees handling facility cleaning chemicals. All staff members dealing with cleaning products must receive comprehensive training on the safe use, storage, dilution ratios (if applicable), proper disposal methods, and potential hazards associated with each product used in the facility.

Employees must be aware of emergency response procedures in case of accidental spills or exposure incidents. Regular refresher courses or updated training programs should be conducted throughout the year to keep staff well-informed on best practices for safe chemical handling.

7. Ensure Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a critical role in safeguarding employees from hazardous chemicals when handling them. Employers should provide necessary PPE such as gloves, goggles or face shields, aprons/coveralls, and respiratory protection as required by the cleaning chemicals’ safety data sheets.

In addition to providing appropriate protective gear to employees working with cleaning chemicals, employers must ensure proper PPE maintenance by inspecting it regularly and replacing damaged equipment promptly.

8. Proper Disposal and Waste Management:

The proper disposal of cleaning chemicals and their containers is just as important as storage and handling. Facilities should have a well-defined waste management plan that includes guidelines for the safe disposal of unused or expired cleaning chemicals.

It’s important to follow local regulations and guidelines for labeling, packaging, and disposing of hazardous waste. Some cleaning products require special disposal methods, such as chemical recycling or designated collection points.


Implementing these best practices for storing and handling facility cleaning chemicals fosters a safer environment and promotes effective cleaning practices within your organization. By utilizing proper storage equipment, ensuring separate storage areas for different chemical types, maintaining ventilation and temperature control measures, establishing an inventory management system, and providing adequate training to staff members while enforcing the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), facilities can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, protect employees’ well-being, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

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