Furukawa Electric Single Cell Hunter

Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. announces the launch of Single Cell Hunter

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The recently announced Single Cell Hunter would provide a platform to identify and recover the pure live single cells that have significant physiological functions.

The Tokyo based, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has announced the launch of the Single Cell Hunter which is integrated with a unique microchip, high precision cell acquisition technologies, and high-throughput screening. Moreover, the newly innovated Single Cell Hunter is all set to be displayed at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting, which is scheduled between March 29 and April 3 of 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Unique features of Single Cell Hunter

Single Cell Hunter uses multiple-parameter fluorescent signals and transmitted light signals to provide multi-color high sensitivity screening. Moreover, it can recover a single yeast cell as minute as 3-μm in diameter from a 10-μm micro-well with help of artificial intelligence based a very precise pick-up and drop-off technology. It can examine live cells on a microchip contained in a temperature-adjustable chamber having a unique advantage of catching the response of the stimulated cell and providing a near-physiological condition. In addition, it can help in the identification of the cells in a time-lapse mode which can facilitate accurate evaluation of the potential of each cell.

Added characteristic to get precise output

Single Cell Hunter uses a three-channel fluorescence microscope and a high-resolution imaging camera to perform multi-color high-sensitivity screening. Each individual cell is examined by powerful software using multiple parameters fluorescence signals and transmitted light signals.

It serves with high sensitivity and resolution for the identification of various kinds of cells and DNA fragments. It has high-precision single cell pick-up and drop-off along with high speed and multi-color real-time & time-lapse analysis. It is provided with high-throughput screening with high-density microchips up to 338,560 wells.   

The working mechanism of the Single Cell Hunter

Cell Seeding is the first process in which cells are labeled with normally used fluorescence markers and are loaded on the microchip. On the other hand, unlabelled cells are directly loaded on a pre-coated microchip.

The second important step is scan & analysis; after moderate centrifugation, the microchip is placed into the specialty chamber and single cell that have entered into the microwells is screened. The screening is based on the fluorescence signals emitted from each microwell which are captured by a high-resolution camera and then analyzed by the smart analysis system.

The third stage is single cell isolation. In this stage the identified single cells are sought gently from the microwells by a micro glass capillary. Then they are collected on culture plates or into PCR tubes in single or multiple cell manner for downstream applications.

The technology promises to give a new aspect to life sciences

Single Cell Hunter of Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has given a new approach in discovering the most powerful and talented cells from millions of the cells. This technique will help in many applications in many fields. Further, it will give innovation and creativity in life sciences. It will help in bio-medical researches such as antibody discovery and molecular interactions. The technology will prove its importance in basic researches, drug discovery, clinical diagnosis and, immunotherapy.



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