Enterprise Business Solutions

Enterprise Business Solutions: The Most Profitable Area to Alleviate the Business Growth

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A decade earlier, enterprise business solutions were little more costly to get a better return on investment. However, nowadays, there are a number of compelling uses of enterprise business solutions under the budget of a user. The advancement of technology has changed the enterprise landscape to a great extent. From small enterprises to market leaders, businesses of all sizes are looking for the right technologies and solutions to achieve their targeted growth and to keep pace with the competition. This has led to a high demand for customized enterprise business solutions that are built according to the unique requirements and objectives of the organizations.

Enterprise business solutions may be a combination of web and mobility applications or standalone software. There may be an integration of some specialized third-party systems and applications. These applications comprise Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications, and many more products. Enterprise business solutions are helpful in handling organizational departments such as HR, facilities, finance, and legal – to improve efficiency, effectiveness, control, and insight. Considering their benefits, investing in them is a great step towards a successful business. Here are some advantages and reasons to invest in Enterprise Business Solutions.

  • Enhanced Productivity And Efficiency

Enterprises looking to remain competitive have no option but to focus on improving internal efficiency and boosting employee productivity. Enterprise solutions contribute in managing and increasing the productivity of employees. These solutions help to optimize business processes to bring in process efficiency and unlock insights which drive new business models, and in turn increase employee productivity. Enterprise solutions automate most of these processes, leaving the employee free to work on their core responsibilities. With greater transparency, reduced inventory and just-in-time inventory fulfillment practices, it facilitates a lean business model.

The single biggest drag on employee productivity is searching for information, preparing reports, and other routine daily maintenance tasks. Enterprise apps make it easy to retrieve data. Moreover, mobile apps solutions simplify the convoluted and even confusing processes. Armed with an app, the employee can simply access and retrieve the data. The mobile solutions would know exactly what to do and how to do, without the risk of errors or procedural delays.

  • Simplified Field Work Processes

Businesses often work from multiple locations, reaching out to customers at their site rather than expect them to visit their premises. The importance of sales and service has also increased to a large extent. A vast number of businesses like delivery service, long-haul transportation, and logistics, airport maintenance, courier companies etc. have agents or technicians on the field.

Until recently, the technicians visit the site according to the customer requirement, but the main office has no control or visibility into what is going on. Smart devices, such as tablets and smartphones with enterprise solutions not only allow remote workers to remain connected to their office but also offer real-time insights into the process. With IoT coming into the mix, these devices can communicate with the head office, sending signals on what exactly is the problem, allowing a field service technician to make the site visit with the right tools. Likewise, augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technology enable even trainee field service technicians to perform multifaceted tasks, with support from experienced hands situated even in another continent and AR powered enterprise apps offering seamless connectivity.

  • Effective Data Management And Utilization

Today’s information-heavy age needs tons of data with real-time insights. Such data is a source of competitive advantage if focused on analytics, to derive actionable and relevant insights. However, the big data is unstructured in nature, in the form of MS-Word documents, emails, videos, or embedded sensor data. Using intuitive enterprise business solutions powered by highly spontaneous analytic tools, business managers and executives may subject such data to backend analytics, and gain actionable insights. This approach allows them to make more informed decisions that take the guesswork out of the equation.

For instance, when a customer enters a store, the executive who engages with the customer enters the customer’s name or telephone number into his enterprise application, which runs on a PC, tablet or smartphone. The app gathers all information residing internally, including purchase history, customer support ticket information and more. In addition, it accesses the latest social media information to understand customers’ likes and interests. Such information is processed in real-time, investigated to identify the product range, price range and other preferences of the customer. This flow of the process allows the executive to showcase relevant products and offer deals that really strike a chord. Without an enterprise solution, powered by analytics backend, such information would be near-impossible to obtain.

  • Zero Maintenance Of Cloud Enterprise Solutions

Enterprise business solutions based on Cloud do not require any hardware maintenance or repairs. Cloud enterprise services offer multiple timed incremental backups in case the user needs to rollback. With customized cloud business solutions, users have access to a much larger workforce than what most non-cloud users have access to, which will put any failure back on track in a very short time. Restoring and data backup is also taken care of by the cloud data centers.

Rooms for servers, hardware and the in-house IT team are mandatory for on-premise enterprise systems. Proper temperature and humidity control of wiring, electricity, and ventilation for those rooms need to be installed and maintained properly. But, in the case of cloud-based systems, no extra physical space is required, and server security is in the hands of the vendors and is profoundly secured with biometric access devices and state-of-the-art hardware for commercial use.

  • Outstanding Customer Experience

Customer Experience (CX) has become the new marketing battlefront for enterprises – with more than two-thirds of marketers stating that their companies compete mostly on the basis of CX. It is therefore essential that efforts to improve customer knowledge are important in terms of driving up CX, overall customer satisfaction, and retention. Having immediate access to the single customer view is the key point here. The enterprise business solutions offer an up-to-date, at-a-glance view of each customer that takes in all instantaneous information, including ongoing service cases, previous purchases and their position in the sales cycle. This provides the basis for enhanced customer service response, as well as allowing the business to spot when the customer about to buy the services. Having access to all customers’ information in one place, anywhere anytime has helped improve data accuracy and management. Up-to-date interaction tracking enables the business to significantly improve customer engagement, support, and experience.

As the technology is evolving, enterprise business solutions are becoming more reliable, robust, and up-to-date with newfound customer insight in place and separation of work to identify the typical profile of the most profitable customers. Additionally, it helps to check that the resources are being utilized appropriately and the business is attracting the right type of customers to meet the business growth targets. Together with such a high level of consistency and accuracy, enterprise business solutions can definitely make the business bloom if implemented in a right way.

By Mayur Shewale (Assistant Writer)



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