Encourage Your Employees

How To Encourage Your Employees To Return To The Office

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Remote working became a hugely popular trend over the past few years which saw thousands of employees working from the comfort of their own homes. Now, business leaders are eager to get employees back in the office to help them reinstate a supportive workplace culture.

Whether your employees are too hesitant to switch up their routine – or have health concerns, all business leaders must do what they can to encourage staff to return to work. This article is here to tell you how.

Create A Desirable Workplace Culture

Your employees play a huge role in the creation of workplace culture. How do you expect your business to become a desirable place to work without happy and healthy employees? The key is to prioritize employee well-being. Your team are going to want to come to work if they feel like they are supported by the company that they work for. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge and reward your staff for their hard work. It will certainly help them feel appreciated.

If your business has struggled to achieve a positive workplace culture, it is recommended that you use the internet to your advantage. There are plenty of resources out there that can offer some valuable advice. You can learn more about building a desirable environment that your employees are proud to be part of.

Offer Flexibility

It has become apparent that employees understand the importance of a healthy work/life balance. Now, people are looking for their employers to accommodate more flexible work schedules. Research has shown that 73% of people currently working from home want more flexibility. Not only do employees want flexibility over their working hours, but they also want it over where they work. For some, the opportunity to work from home makes their personal commitments a lot easier to manage.

To successfully implement a more flexible approach, you will need to create a remote work policy. Putting a policy in place will set expectations for your employees. For example, you may declare that employees must work from the office three times a week. Giving your employees this added flexibility also shows them that you trust them to do their job away from the office. This can have a positive effect on productivity levels.

Switch Up Your Office Space

What will entice your employees to come back into the office? It certainly won’t be those dull four walls and cramped desk spaces. If you want your employees to feel excited about their workplace, you need to do what you can to make it more appealing. Switch up the space that you have and make it exciting. Try incorporating some color into each room – create “chill out” zones where staff can seek some peace on a stressful day.

The aim is to make your team excited about their workplace. This also includes supplying them with the right resources to do their job. Maybe a new desk is in order? Or new work chairs that won’t destroy their posture? Take a look at this article by Branch Furniture. It discusses the most comfortable office chair for long hours and can certainly give you some inspiration.

Encourage 1:1 Meetings

For some employees, the thought of returning to work may feel quite intimidating. It can be easy for them to get comfortable while remote working. To help ease your team back in, you should take time to hold regular 1:1 meetings. It gives your staff an opportunity to ease any worries that they may have. It also gives them a chance to ask any questions that they may have regarding their return to work.

1:1 meetings also allow you to get to know your staff on a personal level. You can have conversations about their likes and interests instead of making it all about work. Sometimes, it’s nice to stray away from the professional tone of an office. It encourages your staff to open up and feel more comfortable in an office environment. They are more likely to feel at ease talking to you if they have any problems or concerns in the future.

Hold Team Building Exercises

It may be the case that some of your team have started working for your company remotely. This means they have never physically met anyone from your company in person. So, when you ask these employees to come to the office, it can all feel pretty daunting and overwhelming. Therefore, it is important that you do your bit to bring your team together, no matter where they are working from. Utilizing company retreat locations can provide a neutral and relaxing environment for team members to connect and collaborate.

Team building exercises are great because they encourage your team to interact and collaborate on tasks with one another. It can be an excellent opportunity for your staff to build personal relationships with one another while reinforcing the importance of teamwork. Take a look at some team building exercises online for some inspiration. If some of your staff are working out of the office, you can still conduct activities like a quiz through video conferencing.

Offers Areas For Development

Your employees seek comfort in their roles if they know their employer is invested in them. Therefore, it is crucial that you provide your team with opportunities to develop and progress in their job roles. It keeps them engaged and shows them that you believe in their abilities. Without opportunities to develop, your employees may disengage from their work, which certainly won’t encourage them to come back into the workplace.

This doesn’t mean you have to hand out promotions left, right and center. Instead, you could offer your team additional training, so they can expand their skillset and delve into a new area of the business. It keeps their jobs exciting. Take a look at some training tips online to help you create an employee training program that’s really going to get the office talking!


Whether an employee is returning to work after an accident – or you are looking to switch up your current working structure, business leaders must do what they can to make the transition back to the office run smoothly. By following some of these top tips above, you can help create a desirable workplace culture – while gaining the trust of your team members. Employee well-being should always be a priority. After all, they want to feel appreciated and valued by the company they work for.

Also Read: Savvy Ways To Ensure Smooth Business Operations While On Vacation



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