How to Maintain a Green Lifestyle on Campus

How to Maintain a Green Lifestyle on Campus

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As the emphasis on global warming and saving the Earth grows, it’s okay to feel confused about how to contribute while in college.

With project deadlines piling up, you’d rather order essay online and think about the big picture. After all, caring about the environment is way more important than doing yet another homework.

So, how can you guarantee an eco-friendly lifestyle? The trick to living green is changing those small habits that mess up our environment.

We’ve covered some top green survival instincts to help you participate in saving the Earth while on campus.

Walk Everywhere

Owning a car in college is cool, but car engines are one of the largest producers of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To maintain a green lifestyle in college, walk everywhere or ride a bike.

Bikes are the friendliest means of transport because they release no gasses and reduce traffic congestion. If you must drive, then carpool with two or three friends. This way, you reduce your carbon footprint and play your part in protecting the ozone layer.

Also, walking to school isn’t as bad as it sounds. You can get your friends to join you and save a lot of money on transport.

Reuse Your Bottles and Boxes

Plastic is a significant contributor to air, land, and sea pollution. Since plastic doesn’t degrade so quickly, using more plastic only endangers the environment at a higher rate.

Plastic bottles, boxes, and reusable cups are convenient, but college students who want to go green should rethink using them. Instead of a single-use plastic bottle, get a refillable water bottle you can carry with you.

Also, if you opt for a reusable coffee cup, you won’t have to depend on Starbucks coffee cups. To package your food, develop a thing for reusable containers instead of using foil or disposable plastic.

Go Vegan

Integrating a vegan diet is another way to create a more sustainable environment. Just ask yourself, is a little fish or beef in my meal worth all the worldwide deforestation, overfishing, and pollution it has caused?

Eat more plant-based foods for a real change. This way, you’ll conserve the water, food, and energy used to raise livestock for consumption.

Besides, college students need to eat healthily to perform well in class. A vegan diet will help you care for your health while changing your carbon footprint.

Reduce Your Consumption of Electricity

Much electricity goes to waste from standby chargers, regular bulbs, appliances with CFCs, and desktops. If you’re not using an appliance, flip the off switch immediately to save electricity.

You should choose energy-saving gadgets over conventional ones. For instance, use compact fluorescent lights instead of regular bulbs. And don’t forget to turn off your laptop computer before dozing off. Set your device batteries to battery-saving mode.

There are many ways to reduce how you consume electricity as a college student. As you participate, you’re also cutting down on your next electricity bill.

Join Green Movements

What’s a better way to validate your vision than finding a community that shares the same? You can form or join green movements on campus to spread the word about zero-waste lifestyles and encourage others to participate.

Green organizations in college help start conversations around climate change, host recycling competitions, and share ideas to improve sustainability. Also, you can support local business initiatives to go green by adopting their policies and practices.

Shop Smart

Shopping in college as a green-lifer takes a different turn. When you’re in the grocery store, ask for paper bags instead of plastic alternatives. Or even better, bring your reusable bags for shopping.

Here’s an important tip: don’t buy it if you don’t need it. Impulsive buying is why most of your things are in the garbage truck.

Buy only as much perishable food as you need, especially if you don’t have access to cold storage. Food wastage leads to decay, which releases methane toxins into the atmosphere. Also, try to buy your toiletries in bulk, so you can reuse large containers instead of buying more.

Buy Second Hand

College students have a thing for new stuff, but if you’re on a journey to living green, you should revamp the old instead of always buying new things.

Buy second-hand clothing, furniture, and appliances good enough to take you through college. Students and local shops often sell used items, so why not shop interstate and ship to college?

A thrift lifestyle will help you conserve money and energy, as well as reduce waste. And most importantly, stay away from fast fashion in college; those dresses end up in landfills.

Embrace Recycling

Recycling is one of the grassroots solutions to tackle the plastic crisis in the world. Besides, the subject of recycling is still fundamental to attaining a zero-waste lifestyle. Your acts of recycling service in your school will immensely impact the environment and boost your green living.

Look up your college recycling programs and participate in them. Use only plastic that your recycling center supports so that you don’t complicate the process. Clean your waste before you send them out for recycling.


Going green doesn’t deprive you of the fantastic college experience but makes it more memorable. You get to cultivate a sustainable lifestyle that can shape your life and environment for decades.

Living a 100% eco-friendly life in college may be difficult to build, but it’s not impossible to maintain. Above all, it’ll help develop a deeper sense of meaning as you identify more with your environment.

The mantle is upon us to alleviate the crisis ravaging our beloved planet Earth. Whether you’re at college studying for that degree or sitting in your home learning from your screens, you can make that change.

Also Read: 5 Important Eco-Friendly Tips for Small Businesses



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