Blocked Toilet

Blocked Toilet? Fix It with These Simple Steps

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If you’re dealing with a blocked toilet, you’re not alone. This is a common issue that can happen to anyone, and it can be a real headache to deal with. However, the good news is that in most cases, you can fix the problem yourself without having to call a plumber. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to unclog your toilet and get it back to working order.

First, it’s important to understand why your toilet is blocked. There are a few common causes of toilet clogs, including flushing non-flushable items, using too much toilet paper, and a build-up of waste and debris over time. Depending on the cause of your toilet blockage, you may need to use different methods to fix it. In the next section, we’ll go over some of the most effective ways to unclog your toilet, so you can choose the method that’s right for you.

Identifying the Cause of the Blockage

If you’re dealing with a blocked toilet, the first step is to identify the cause of the blockage. This will help you determine the best course of action to take.

One common cause of a blocked toilet is too much toilet paper. If you’ve been using a lot of toilet paper, it may have built up in the pipes and caused a blockage. In this case, you can try using a plunger to push the blockage through the pipes.

Another common cause of a blocked toilet is flushing non-flushable items. Items such as wipes, sanitary products, and cotton buds should never be flushed down the toilet. If you suspect that this may be the cause of the blockage, you may need to use a toilet auger to remove the item.

If you’ve ruled out these common causes and the toilet is still blocked, the blockage may be further down the pipes. In this case, you may need to call a plumber to help you identify and remove the blockage.

Remember, it’s important to identify the cause of the blockage before attempting to fix it. This will help you avoid causing further damage to your plumbing system and ensure that the blockage is properly removed.

Tools and Materials Needed

To fix a blocked toilet, you will need a few tools and materials. Here are the essential items you will need:


  • Plunger: A plunger is the most common tool used to unclog a toilet. It creates suction and pressure to push the blockage through the pipes.
  • Toilet auger: If the plunger doesn’t work, a toilet auger can help. It is a long, flexible cable with a crank handle that can reach deeper into the pipes to dislodge the blockage.
  • Rubber gloves: Wearing rubber gloves can protect your hands from any bacteria or germs in the toilet water.


  • Bucket: A bucket can be useful for removing excess water from the toilet bowl before attempting to unclog it.
  • Old towels: Keep some old towels handy to clean up any spills or messes that may occur while unclogging the toilet.
  • Baking soda and vinegar: If you prefer a natural solution, baking soda and vinegar can help dissolve the blockage. Pour one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl, let it sit for a few minutes, and then flush.

With these tools and materials, you can confidently tackle a blocked toilet and get it working properly again.

Step-by-Step Unblock Guide

If you have a blocked toilet, don’t panic. With a few simple tools and techniques, you can fix the problem yourself. Here’s a step-by-step guide to unblocking your toilet:

Plunger Technique

  1. Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  2. Insert the plunger into the toilet bowl and push down firmly to create a seal.
  3. Pump the plunger up and down vigorously, maintaining the seal.
  4. Repeat this process several times until the blockage is cleared.

Drain Snake Use

  1. Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  2. Insert the drain snake into the toilet bowl and push it down until you feel resistance.
  3. Rotate the snake handle clockwise while pushing it down to break up the blockage.
  4. Slowly pull the snake out of the toilet bowl, taking care not to damage the porcelain.
  5. Flush the toilet to ensure the blockage is cleared.

Eco-Friendly Solutions

  1. Pour a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl.
  2. Follow this with a cup of vinegar.
  3. Wait for 10-15 minutes for the mixture to work.
  4. Flush the toilet to clear the blockage.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. To avoid future blockages, ensure that you only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Avoid flushing feminine hygiene products, wet wipes, or any other non-degradable items.

With these simple techniques, you can unblock your toilet and avoid the expense of calling a plumber.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance

To prevent blocked toilets from happening, there are a few simple measures you can take to maintain your toilet properly.

Firstly, make sure you only flush toilet paper down the toilet. Avoid flushing any other materials such as wipes, sanitary products, or cotton balls, as these can cause blockages over time.

Secondly, limit the amount of toilet paper you use per flush. Using excessive amounts of toilet paper can cause blockages, especially if you have an older toilet with a weaker flush.

Regular cleaning of your toilet bowl and pipes can also help prevent blockages. Use a toilet cleaner and brush to clean the bowl, and pour hot water down the toilet once a week to help dissolve any buildup in the pipes.

If you have a septic tank, it’s important to have it pumped regularly to prevent blockages and other issues. Check with your local septic service provider for recommended pumping intervals based on your household’s usage.

By following these simple preventive measures and maintenance tips, you can help ensure that your toilet stays in good working order and avoid the inconvenience and expense of a blocked toilet.

Also Read: Water Damage Restoration: The Ultimate Guide



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