Self Service repair for iPhones

Apple announces Self Service repair for iPhones and Mac

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Key Highlights:

  • Apple has made it simpler to obtain genuine components for repairing your own iPhone.
  • Customers will be able to make orders for these genuine parts, and if the used component is returned, they will receive a credit toward their purchase.
  • Self Service Repair will be offered in the United States in early 2022, with plans to spread to other nations later that year.

Repair at home

In an unexpected move, Apple has made it simpler to obtain genuine components for repairing your own iPhone. The iPhone maker is introducing “Self Service Repair,” which allows experienced consumers to do their own repairs using genuine components and equipment.

This is not a typical Apple move. It’s a major thing for Apple to make its original parts and tools available to everyone.

Apple will begin by focusing on more typical repairs from regularly serviced modules, including screen repairs, battery replacements, and camera modules for both the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 lines. Following that, Apple will include its M1 Mac computers in the Self Repair programme.

Customers will be able to make orders for these genuine parts, and if the used component is returned, they will receive a credit toward their purchase. “Over 200 separate components and tools will be available” in Apple’s “new store.” Apple will supply documentation for these popular repair techniques in addition to OEM components and tools. We believe Apple would prefer that users purchase components directly from Apple in order to undertake these repairs.

Professional repair is still recommended

Despite the unveiling of this service, Apple continues to urge that most consumers consult a professional repair provider and that licensed technicians using authentic Apple components are the “safest and most dependable method to obtain a repair.”

Self Service Repair will be offered in the United States in early 2022, with plans to spread to other nations later that year. We’re interested in how much Apple would charge for replacement components for do-it-yourself repairs, and how much less it will cost to do so vs taking the gadget into an Apple Store.

Apple has frequently been chastised for making it difficult for users to repair their Apple devices outside of Apple’s network of approved service facilities. It has even gone so far as to disable Face ID when the screen on an iPhone 13 is replaced, with the culprit being a microcontroller chip linked to the display panel assembly.

Another story stated that Apple was striving to correct this, and the debut of its Self Service Repair program appears to be a step in the right direction and a victory for Right To Repair proponents everywhere.

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