Optimize for Voice Search

Tips To Help You Optimize for Voice Search

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Optimizing content and websites is important if you want to rank on search engine results pages. But with technology ever-evolving, it’s always important to adapt and to adopt the latest SEO tactics to achieve the best results. 

One of the biggest evolutions we’ve witnessed in recent years is the shift towards voice search. Did you know that 20% of all searches online use voice, and 58% of users have used the technique at some point?

So, how exactly do you optimize for voice search?

In this guide, we’ll share some top voice optimization tips that you should employ in your SEO strategy. 

What Is Voice Search SEO?

Most smartphones are and smart speakers are equipped with voice-activated AI. On Android and Google devices you can awaken the AI by saying ‘Hey Google’, on Apple devices you’d say ‘Hey Siri’, and for Amazon devices, you can ask Alexa for assistance. 

Your voice-activated AI will respond immediately to questions by reading the information it finds online to match your query. This information can come from any website that is optimized for voice search. 

Voice search SEO has become increasingly more important, as it includes the techniques that are used to help your website get used on such searches. 

Focus On Local Search

A large percentage of voice searches will be to find out local information. For instance, many people will need to ask their phones a question while they’re driving, such as what time a local business is open. 

Keeping your Google My Business profile updated will ensure accurate local search listings which will be found by voice AI searches. 

Use Conversational Language

When you type a query into a search engine, you often use fewer words than you would in natural speech. 

When you use voice search, you’ll be using conversational language. This means you’ll be using much longer search phrases. To match this, include long-tail keywords in your content to match that of voice users. 

Work Out What Questions You’ll Be Answering

For your website to feature in voice searches, get an idea of some of the questions that people will want an answer to and include these specific queries within your content. 

Using ‘how’, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘when’ questions will have a profound benefit to your voice SEO. 

Include FAQs

Having a frequently asked questions section on your website or at the end of informative blog posts will help your website rank better in voice searches. 

Having conversational questions and answers throughout your content will mean your posts will be more likely to be used in the search results. 

Optimizing for Voice Search

The internet is rapidly changing and it’s important to keep an eye on these trends and ensure you’re making use of them. Voice change is here to stay, and it will grow. If you don’t want to get left behind, you’ll start to optimize for voice search sooner rather than later. 

For more articles about the intersection of business and technology, check out the rest of the site. 

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