Women’s ERA

AC Braddock: The Cannapreneur Working towards Deciphering Social Needs
There have been several active debates among doctors, scientists, researchers, policymakers, and the public about the medicinal use of marijuana. Notably though, it has been ...
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Nicole Rodrigues
Nicole Rodrigues: Leading the PR Agency of the Future
Entrepreneurs have been greatly affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All businesses have faced some sort of disruption and have been forced to adapt to ...
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EGM Management Consultant
Stephanie LaTorre: An Ardent Forerunner Living the Dream
Inspiration is what differentiates leaders from other individuals. The journey of a leader often starts with an innovative idea and is backed by inspiring mentors ...
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iGlobe Partners
SooBoon Koh: The DNA To Win
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” quotes SooBoon KOH, Founder & Managing Partner of ...
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Miku Jha: A Trailblazer with Fervor towards Revolutionizing Ag Ecosystem
Recently, a drought was reported in California followed by the same situation in India too, resulting in a major loss in crop yield. This indicated ...
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Armstrong Capital Advisory
Manju Mastakar: A Stock Market Expert Breaking the Stereotype
The finance industry has been witnessing a huge gender gap for years. However, the scenario has quite improved in 2020, the recent women in financial ...
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Concrete Blonde Consulting
Lindsey Myers: A Sanguine Leader Looking Beyond The Challenges
Gender roles affecting leadership has always been a questionable statement. The current crisis has challenged leaders worldwide. These leaders have tackled the COVID-19 outbreak with ...
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Kirsi Ekberg
Kirsi Ekberg: An Enthusiastic and Driven Edtech Entrepreneur
“Women are the largest untapped reservoirs of talent in the world,” quotes Hilary Clinton. Today, the disparity between men and women as business leaders is ...
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Caspian Agency
Heather Mason: A Leader with an Optimistic Vision for the Future
‘Entrepreneur’ is synonymous with ‘risk-taker’, and one such risk-taker is Heather Mason, Founder and CEO of Caspian Agency, and an entrepreneur who is transforming the ...
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From Farms to Incubators
Amy Wu: A Flag Bearer of Women Agtech Revolution
Storytelling is one of the finest art forms present in the world. Since ages, millions of people have pursued the art to create unimaginable stories ...
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Ayse Birsel
Ayse Birsel: A Multicultural Individual Who Thinks Logically As Well As Creatively
The award-winning designer Ayse (pronounced Eye-Shay) Birsel is the author of Design the Life You Love and the design process that underlies it, Deconstruction: Reconstruction™. She founded the design and innovation ...
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Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit
Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit: A Philanthropist Leader On A Mission To Make A Difference In The Society
Despite the disparity between genders in the workforce, women leaders are dominating the industry with their exceptional vision and leadership skills. Today, women are successfully ...
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