Animal Shelter Development

The Role and Methods of Crowdfunding in the Context of Animal Shelter Development by Oleksandra Havryliuk-Levytska

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1. Introduction

Animal Shelter Development

Animal shelters play a crucial role in society by providing temporary or permanent refuge for homeless, abandoned, and victims of animal cruelty. However, despite their invaluable work, many shelters face serious financial difficulties. The costs of medical services, purchasing food, providing comfortable living conditions, and conducting rehabilitation require significant funds.In my experience running an animal shelter, I have encountered financial difficulties due to limited government subsidies and a lack of private donations. This has created serious challenges in providing care and treatment for the animals under our care. In such circumstances, as a manager, I have found the need to seek alternative sources of funding, with crowdfunding emerging as one of the most effective among them.The development of animal shelters is necessary not only for the rescue and support of needy animals but also for addressing social issues. Stray animals can become a source of disease, conflicts with humans, and a public order problem. In addition to caring for animals, my shelter plays a role in their socialization and preparation for a new life in a family.However, my shelter has faced a shortage of funds to provide all necessary services for the animals. Paying veterinary bills, purchasing food, and upgrading infrastructure all require significant financial investment. Therefore, it has become extremely important for me to appeal to society for support and assistance.

2. Animal Shelter: Main Objectives and Problems

 Animal Shelter

Description of the functions and goals of the animal shelter

Animal shelters are an important link in society, caring for homeless, abandoned, and needy animals. The main functions and goals of shelters include:

Shelter and safety: The main task of a shelter is to provide homeless and abandoned animals with a safe place to live. This includes arranging cozy enclosures or rooms where animals can stay warm and protected from dangers on the streets.

Medical care: Shelters provide animals with basic medical services. This includes veterinarian examinations, treatment of diseases, sterilization, vaccination, and other medical procedures necessary to maintain animal health.

Finding new homes: One of the main goals of a shelter is to find new caring and responsible owners for animals. This is done through organized adoption programs, where animals can find a new home and family where they will be loved and cared for.

Socialization and training: Many animals, especially those that have been on the streets or abandoned, need training and socialization. Shelters provide training and education programs to help animals adapt to new situations and life in a home.

Problems related to financing

Despite the importance and necessity of the activities of animal shelters, my shelter has faced serious financial problems. The main problems that have arisen with financing are as follows:

Lack of funds: The need to pay for veterinary services, purchase food, maintain premises, and pay staff requires significant financial expenditure that the shelter cannot always afford.

Limited self-financing opportunities: In my case, I have tried to compensate for the lack of government funding and donations through self-financing. However, their capabilities are limited, and often this is not enough to meet all the needs of the animals.

Dependence on donations: My shelter largely depends on voluntary donations from individuals and organizations. However, the flow of these funds can be unstable and inconsistent, creating additional financial risks.

High operational costs: In addition to the main expenses for medical care and food, the shelter also faces high operational costs for maintaining buildings, equipment, and services.

All these problems in my experience of shelter administration make financing one of the main tasks requiring attention and the search for effective solutions. This is where crowdfunding comes to the forefront as one of the potential tools to help address financial difficulties.

3. Crowdfunding: Key Concepts and Advantages


Crowdfunding is a method of fundraising based on the idea that a large number of people (“the crowd”) contribute small amounts of money to support a specific project or initiative. This process usually takes place online on specialized platforms where project organizers post information about their project and ask the public to contribute.

Forms of Crowdfunding that Have Proven Most Effective in My Experience:

Donations: People contribute money to support a particular project without expecting any compensation. This is usually done out of a sense of charity or support for the cause. I use such types of projects as raising funds for rescuing animals, fundraising for the construction of new facilities to house new wards, for their treatment, and other urgent shelter needs.

Pre-orders: Here, I offer various rewards or goods in exchange for support, such as additional photo and video materials about a particular shelter resident, donation of merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, keychains). People contribute and receive something in return, such as the aforementioned exclusive product or service.

Advantages of Crowdfunding for Animal Shelters:

Crowdfunding provides several key advantages for animal shelters, helping to address financial problems and develop their activities.

Public Attention: Crowdfunding campaigns significantly increase public awareness of the shelter’s activities. It has allowed me to attract the attention of a wide audience of people who may not have been aware of the issues facing homeless animals and the shelter’s work before.

Financial Support: Based on my experience, one of the most significant advantages of crowdfunding is the opportunity to receive financial support from a large number of people. As my practice has shown, small contributions from many individuals quickly accumulate and provide the shelter with the necessary funds for medical care, food, improving living conditions, and other important needs.

Expanding Support Network: Crowdfunding allows the shelter to expand its circle of supporters. These can be both existing fans and donors, as well as new people who learn about the shelter through the campaign.

Community Building: In my observation, crowdfunding brings together people who share common values and interests in animal protection. It has helped me create a community willing to support the shelter not only financially but also emotionally, providing long-term support.

Based on my experience and its analysis, I can conclude that crowdfunding is a powerful tool for animal shelters. It helps me not only solve financial problems but also expand my activities, increase efficiency, and attract more attention to the important work of protecting and caring for homeless animals.

4. The Role of Crowdfunding in Animal Shelter Development

Animal Shelter Development

Crowdfunding plays a crucial role in the development and support of animal shelters, providing them with the opportunity to raise funds for various needs. Below are several effective methods that I have developed for using crowdfunding to support my shelter:

Fundraising for Medical Care: One of the primary needs of my shelter is providing medical care for animals. Crowdfunding campaigns have proven to be effective in helping the shelter raise funds for treating sick animals, surgeries, sterilization, vaccinations, and other medical procedures.

Purchase of Food and Necessary Supplies: Buying food, vitamins, medicines, bowls, toys, and other supplies for animals also requires financial resources. Crowdfunding has allowed me to raise money to purchase necessary items to ensure proper nutrition and care for the animals.

Construction and Infrastructure Renovation: Many shelters need to build or renovate enclosures, walking areas, veterinary clinics, intake facilities, and other infrastructure objects. Crowdfunding can help shelters raise the necessary funds for these purposes.

Studying successful crowdfunding projects to support shelters not only enriched my knowledge but also inspired new ideas:

“Paws for a Cause”

Description: One animal shelter in California launched the “Paws for a Cause” crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for building new enclosures and upgrading equipment for the veterinary clinic.

Result: With the support of over 1000 individuals, the shelter was able to raise $50,000 in two months. These funds were used to construct 10 new enclosures and purchase new medical equipment, allowing the shelter to save and successfully adopt out more animals.

“Meals for Paws”

Description: An animal shelter in New York initiated the “Meals for Paws” crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for purchasing food for its animals.

Result: Thanks to the support of local residents and companies, the shelter raised $20,000 in one month. These funds allowed the shelter to provide food for all animals for six months, reducing the financial burden and ensuring healthy nutrition for the animals.

“Puppy Playground Project”

Description: A puppy shelter in Texas launched the “Puppy Playground Project” crowdfunding campaign to create a safe and engaging play area for puppies.

Result: With the support of over 500 county residents, the shelter raised $30,000 in three weeks. These funds were used to purchase play structures, toys, and fences, creating a cozy and safe place for puppies to play and learn before adoption.

“Senior Pets Sanctuary”

Description: A shelter in Florida specializing in caring for senior pets initiated the “Senior Pets Sanctuary” crowdfunding campaign to provide specialized care and treatment for elderly animals.

Result: In a short period, the shelter raised $15,000 thanks to the generosity of over 300 volunteers and animal lovers. These funds were used to purchase medications, soft beds, and specialized food for elderly pets, providing them with comfort and care in their twilight years.

These examples of projects in the USA demonstrate how the community can actively support animal shelters, helping them raise funds for medical care, food, construction, and equipment upgrades.

5. Crowdfunding Methods and Strategies for Animal Shelters

Animal Shelters

Various platforms for crowdfunding and my advice on choosing the most suitable one for your goals:

GoFundMe: One of the most popular crowdfunding platforms. GoFundMe has allowed me to create campaigns for a wide range of needs, including medical assistance for animals, purchasing food, building, or repairing shelter facilities. From my experience, advantages include ease of creating multiple projects and fundraising campaigns, working with a vast number of payment systems, and a convenient tracking and statistics system.

Kickstarter: This platform is more project and idea-oriented. However, shelters can use it for crowdfunding purposes for building new facilities, creating training programs for animals, and other innovative projects. I recommend organizing large projects that require a significant amount of funds here, as the platform’s specificity allows funds to be returned if the required amount for the project is not met.

Indiegogo: Similar to Kickstarter but more flexible in usage, providing more options for individual settings and fundraising approaches. Here, you can raise funds for specific goods, programs, or shelter events. According to my findings, it’s best to create projects here for launching new animal care programs, purchasing medical equipment, and expanding shelter facilities to accommodate more animals.

Chuffed: This platform specializes in supporting non-profit organizations and charity. Shelters can create campaigns here to raise funds for various projects and needs. In my experience, this platform has shown its effectiveness, possessing the most extensive audience ready to support charity, especially for animals.

My recommendations for key steps in creating a successful crowdfunding campaign for shelters:

Goal Setting and Planning:

Define the specific goal of the campaign (e.g., the amount needed for purchasing food, building enclosures, treating animals).

Develop a plan for utilizing the raised funds and create a budget.

Creating a Compelling Story:

Tell the story of your shelter, the challenges you face, and the changes that can be made with the raised funds.

Use photos and videos of your pets to create an emotional connection with potential donors.

Establishing Clear and Specific Fundraising Goals:

Indicate how much money needs to be raised and what it will be spent on.

Break down the goal into specific stages or projects for clearer understanding by donors.

Research different platforms presented above and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Create a high-quality video telling the story of your shelter, its activities, and goals.

Prepare informative graphics, plans, and photos demonstrating how the raised funds will be used.

6. Ethical Aspects of Crowdfunding for Animal Shelters

Crowdfunding for Animal Shelters

Transparency in Fund Utilization

One of the key aspects of a successful crowdfunding campaign for animal shelters is ensuring complete transparency in the use of funds. This not only helps to build trust among donors but also ensures adherence to ethical principles within the organization.

Here are my recommendations for enhancing trust in your crowdfunding campaigns:

Specify Clear Fundraising Goals and Planned Expenses:

Clearly outline the specific fundraising goals and planned expenses, such as how much will be spent on medical care, food, construction of kennels, etc.

Regularly Update Donors on Campaign Progress:

Keep donors informed about the progress of the campaign and the utilization of funds. This can be done through updates on the campaign page, email newsletters, or social media posts.

Provide Detailed Financial Reports After Campaign Completion:

After the campaign concludes, provide a detailed financial report showing how every dollar was spent. This allows donors to verify that their contributions were used effectively and appropriately.

Share Success Stories and Achievements:

Share stories of success and achievements made possible by the funds raised. This helps to demonstrate concrete results and the effectiveness of the shelter’s work.

Personalized Thank Yous and Recognition:

Personally thank each donor for their contribution. This can be done through personalized letters, cards, or even phone calls expressing gratitude.

Organize Open Events and Engagement Opportunities:

Organize open events, photo sessions with animals, or other forms of engagement with donors and the community. This fosters closeness and trust in the shelter’s work.

Value Feedback from Donors and the Community:

It’s important to listen to feedback from donors and the community. Respond to their questions, consider their suggestions, and address any concerns they may have.

Publish Overall Campaign Results and Testimonials:

After the campaign, publish overall results, success stories, and testimonials from adopted animals and their new owners.

These practices have proven effective in my experience with fundraising for animal shelters. By adhering to ethical principles and ensuring transparency in fund utilization, my projects have not only successfully conducted crowdfunding campaigns but also maintained the trust and support of donors and the community over the long term.


Crowdfunding plays a significant role in the development and support of animal shelters, providing them with the means to gather necessary funds for medical care, food procurement, construction, and other needs. Drawing on my experience, I have explored effective crowdfunding practices for shelters, methods of implementation, examined successful project examples, and addressed ethical considerations in handling raised funds.

In conclusion, crowdfunding campaigns have contributed to raising awareness in the community about the activities of my shelter, helping to expand support networks and find new volunteers and donors. Thanks to the funds raised through these platforms, the shelter has been able to build new kennels, improve living conditions, and create comfortable environments for animals.

by Oleksandra Havryliuk-Levytska

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