
Amanita Gummies: Unveiling the Enigmatic Mushroom Experience

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It was a cool, misty September day. My mushroom-hunting partner and I ascended the dirt track into the forest with one goal in mind: Amanita muscaria. Sometimes known as fly agaric, these distinctive red mushrooms are easy to spot amongst the verdant moss and dull fallen pine needles, but we searched fruitlessly for some time and were almost ready to give up hope.

However, no sooner than we had determined to forget the amanita and enjoy the walk for what it was, we spotted an unusual, tall, pinkish mushroom nestled beneath a tree’s boughs just off the side of the path. We leaned in for a closer look, and as we did, we spotted the bright red caps we had been seeking. The tall pink mushroom was quickly forgotten as we moved towards them, crouching down beneath the low branches to reach our prize.

The first Amanita muscaria we came across was past its best, its stem soggy and its once glorious cap now fallen and cradled by the moss below. But peering deeper into the trees, we spotted some younger specimens and moved towards them.

Using our arms to guard our faces from the sharp whip of the pine branches, we stealthily stooped and squatted through the trees, gathering one mushroom after another until we couldn’t carry more. Then, we made our way slowly back to the path, stepping cautiously on the soft, uneven ground, shielding our eyes from the violent branches. By now, our clothes were drenched with sweat, and our hair was tangled and adorned with twigs and other debris. But we were satisfied.

So, why go to all this effort for a mushroom? Well, Amanita muscaria is not just any old mushroom. It is one of the most enigmatic species on the planet and has potent psychoactive and medicinal properties. Many online companies have started selling products like amanita gummies, but we wanted to make our own.

Preparing Amanita Muscaria

Amanita muscaria is unique in terms of its chemical makeup. It contains numerous biologically active compounds, but the most significant are called ibotenic acid and muscimol.

When the mushrooms are raw, they primarily contain neurotoxic ibotenic acid, and if you were to eat them fresh out of the ground, you could potentially become quite ill. For this reason, it is crucial to prepare Amanita muscaria in a specific way to convert the ibotenic acid into muscimol.

The first task is to clean the mushrooms, which I do with a small paintbrush, paper towel, and cotton buds. The paintbrush is ideal for gently removing loose dirt from the mushrooms’ delicate gills, while the paper towel and cotton buds can be used to wipe more stubborn grime from the caps and stems.

Once they are clean, I slice the mushrooms thinly and place them in my dehydrator at 75 degrees Celcius. I leave them for several hours until they are crispy and crumble easily between my fingers. Drying the mushrooms in this way is the first stage of converting ibotenic acid to muscimol.

Some people use the dried mushrooms at this stage, but I prefer to convert more ibotenic acid to muscimol by simmering the mushrooms in water for 30 minutes, then straining the liquid and continuing to simmer it for a further 2.5 hours. Adding some lemon juice or citric acid to the water creates acidic conditions and aids the conversion process further.

At this point, I could choose to add sugar, flavorings, and a gelling agent to make amanita gummies. However, I rather enjoy the rich earthiness of Amanita muscaria and prefer to drink my amanita “tea” as it is.

Dosage and Effects

I calculate the dosage of my tea by dividing the initial weight of the mushrooms by the amount of liquid I end up with. So, if I used 20g of mushrooms to make 200ml of tea, I know that each milliliter contains 0.1g of Amanita muscaria extract.

How much I take depends on the effects I want to achieve, but I find that taking between 10 and 20ml in the evening produces a relaxing, meditative state, followed by a deep and restful sleep.

If all of this sounds like too much effort, you will find Amanita muscaria gummies and other amanita products for sale online. Just be sure to read the lab reports so you know how much you are getting and that your amanita gummies are effective and safe.

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