Veselin Stoilov: Exhibiting Impactful Leadership in Competitive Industrial Forefronts

Veselin Stoilov

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The dynamics of leadership are fascinating—with a plethora of unique characteristics determining the successfulness and greatness of a leader. A great leader prioritizes the growth of the company, whilst ensuring the overall growth and well-being of the team. An instance of such exemplary leadership is portrayed by Veselin Stoilov (CEO and Founder of StivaSoft Ltd.). Veselin not only contributes to the growth of the company but also emphasizes teams’ progress and development.  

Veselin has been at the nucleus of the company—playing multifaceted roles to navigate it towards success. As a founding father of the company, Veselin believes that it is important for people venturing out in business for the first time to understand the essentiality of being the CEO/Founder. They should be able to undertake and fulfill the role and responsibility of any of the staff while positioning themselves on top of everything. 

Established in 2009, StivaSoft is a web development company that creates comprehensive online business solutions. The company delivers high-end web apps and business solutions to individuals and companies from all corners of the world. 

During a recent conversation with Mirror Review, Veselin divulged the important segments of leadership while shedding light on his company’s team members and its upcoming services lined up for the future. Here are a few snippets from the insightful conversation.

How has your leadership journey evolved with time?

Currently, I have a better work-life balance. Previously, I used to work for prolonged hours, which used to put tremendous pressure on the team as I wanted everything to be done that very day. After introspecting things, I realized that need to create more balance in my life to bring my best self to work. By allowing myself more time outside of work, I am able to be calmer, collected and understanding of my team and what they do, resulting in better leadership. 

What niches offered by your company make it exclusive in the highly competitive industry?

Over the years, StivaSoft has established a team of industry experts and launched in 2015. An all-in-one solution for businesses, it helps start or streamline e-commerce business quickly, affordably, and effortlessly, whilst providing a guide to success and brilliant client experience. We do a combination of things which makes us stand out in our highly competitive industry. StivaSoft hires and is home to various expertise and talent. Each one of the team has been hired based on their unique understanding and abilities to do their job to the best of their ability. 

Being highly customer-oriented, we focus on creating exceptional products and services. The pandemic has shown our company’s excellence at adapting to changes—which was further highlighted by our constant improvement and innovation to stay ahead of the curve!

Can you walk us through your unique leadership characteristics?

I prioritize people and believe people make businesses successful since it is an ‘A-team’ being the foundation of most successful companies. I always ensure to remember that no matter how important the work is, people always value their personal things, time and life more. 

I ensure that my team is relaxed and happy in their working environment—as they are more likely to feel comfortable in their personal lives which impacts their performance at work. Another characteristic is my constant need for improvement. I want the best from those I lead, and they expect the best from me. With that principle in place, it helps me to be a good role model for my team and lead them towards the goals we seek to achieve.

With the onset of the global crisis, how has your company adapted to the recent changes?

Several businesses are recognizing the strong need for an online presence, which was further elevated by the pandemic. However, the pandemic had both positives and negatives on StivaSoft. We went through a series of learning curves while adapting to new landscapes and working environments. 

PHPJabbers—a brand established by me and previously managed by StivaSoft—was sold to new owners, and we are hoping they will be able to bring it back to its previous position prior to the crisis. At, most of our clients are micro and small businesses, from various industries and we are starting to see some of them coming back as the situation is under control. At StivaSoft, we are always willing and able to adapt, which is one of the things we contribute greatly to our success over the years.

What are the upcoming services lined up for the future?

Currently, I am working with the team on improving the services. We will be expanding to offer more business niches, better business software, and more features & integrations. This will make it easier for business owners to go digital and do business online. One of the goals at VEVS is and always will be to be the fastest and breeziest way to boost sales and enhance customer experience. 

Being a successful leader, what would you like to convey to the aspiring leaders?

Always persist during adversities and approach every situation with open-mindedness. Being a leader means facing many challenges which need to be overcome, and having a persistent mindset will help greatly in tackling each challenge. Additionally, being open-minded helps to perceive situations with a clear vision. It is important to consider all possible options while making decisions, solving problems, and working well as a leader. You will face many challenges and obstacles throughout your journey, and it is important to ensure keeping yourself level-headed, calm and, collected.

Veselin Recommends: ‘The pursuit of happyness’—shows the true meaning of persistence and is a must-watch for anyone looking to head into the business world.

Veselin Stoilov

Read full issue: The 10 Pioneering Business Leaders, 2021

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