University of Lynchburg’s College of Business: Fostering Excellence in Education, Diversity, and Success


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The University of Lynchburg’s College of Business represents a blend of tradition and innovation. With roots tracing back over a century as a liberal arts college, the institution remains deeply committed to fostering critical thinking and delivering a well-rounded education. What distinguishes the College of Business is its dedication to preparing students for real-world success by equipping them with valuable skills such as Excel proficiency, WordPress mastery, and the ability to manage focus rooms.

Furthermore, the university is known for offering practical experiences, including achieving Bloomberg terminal certification and various hands-on competencies. Notably, the institute accomplishes this while providing a rich array of activities, rivaling those found in larger universities, yet ensuring an inclusive environment where every eager student can actively engage. In this unique blend of academic tradition and forward-looking pragmatism, the University of Lynchburg’s College of Business stands as an example of educational excellence and workforce preparation.

Innovative Programs, Experienced Faculty, and a Focus on Real-World Learning 

The University Of Lynchburg College Of Business offers a wide range of programs and courses designed to meet the evolving demands of the business world while creating an academic environment enriched by real-world experience. The College offers traditional fields such as accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and sports management, establishing a solid foundation in these crucial areas.

Notably, the College of Business distinguishes itself with innovative offerings that set it apart from traditional undergraduate settings. It takes a hands-on approach to education, incorporating business simulations in approximately one-third of its classes and using local businesses as case studies to ensure real-world relevance. Unique majors like digital media marketing and human resource management fill academic niches within the market. The digital media marketing major, in particular, stands out as a rare opportunity in a five-state region, providing students with a multidisciplinary experience alongside a strong grounding in business principles, equipping them for long-term success.

Moreover, the college’s nationally ranked MBA program has undergone recent enhancements, featuring a flexible format with 7.5-week modules. This modification allows students to complete the program in one year on a full-time basis or over two years on a part-time schedule. The MBA program offers three distinct tracks in Management, Cybersecurity, and Sport Management, making it one of only 29 Sport Management-focused MBA programs in the United States. This combination of specialization and adaptability caters to a wide array of career aspirations.

One of the college’s key strengths lies in the practical experience of its faculty. While all professors hold terminal degrees, many have worked in various industries, including renowned institutions like GE and General Dynamics, leading accounting firms like EY and KPMG, strategy houses, advertising agencies, and have held positions as corporate controllers, accountants, statisticians, CMOs, CPOs, and CFOs. This unique blend of academic rigor and practical expertise ensures students receive an education firmly rooted in real-world business challenges.

Small Class Sizes and Personalized Education

The university maintains a favorable student-teacher ratio of 11 to 1, particularly notable within the College of Business, where class sizes are intentionally limited to 30 students. In many upper-level courses, class sizes are even smaller, accommodating just half the typical class size. This commitment to smaller class sizes differs from the lecture hall model at larger state universities, where professors often address hundreds of students at once.

Smaller class sizes offer students a more interactive and intimate learning environment. They can engage closely with their professors on a daily basis, fostering meaningful academic relationships. This personal interaction with faculty members allows for the cultivation of strong letters of recommendation for job opportunities and graduate school admissions.

The results of this personalized education are evident, as the university’s business students frequently gain admission to prestigious graduate programs. In the past five years, graduates have gained acceptance to elite institutions such as Duke, Georgetown, Columbia, the University of Virginia, Babson, and William & Mary. Moreover, the College of Business offers a direct admission pathway to two master’s degree programs at William & Mary, further enhancing students’ prospects for advanced education with scholarship opportunities. Additionally, a significant number of business students are members of Westovers, the University’s honors college.

Fostering a Multifaceted Campus Experience 

The University of Lynchburg’s College of Business provides a vibrant campus experience, complementing academic programs with diverse extracurricular activities and resources.

One notable feature is the full trading floor, where students gain hands-on experience and earn Bloomberg terminal certification. This unique opportunity is student-managed, with over 30 individuals overseeing a significant portion of the University’s endowment—approximately $400,000. Their autonomy in making investment decisions sets them apart as one of the few operations in the country with this level of financial responsibility. Furthermore, students can travel across the United States for competitions and events, with the University generously funding them.

In addition to the trading floor, the College of Business boasts a marketing focus room, providing students with the means to conduct market research firsthand. This resource is especially valuable, offering practical insights into the field of marketing and equipping students with tangible skills that extend beyond the classroom.

Outside the College of Business, the University of Lynchburg offers a variety of extracurricular activities. The institution has strong athletic programs, with teams that have secured national titles and are regularly nationally ranked, having won numerous conference championships. Faculty collaborates closely with coaches to help students participate in athletics while achieving their academic goals.

The campus also supports a vibrant arts and cultural scene, featuring an orchestra and numerous opportunities for involvement in performing arts. Students can engage in club teams, Greek life, and a wide range of other activities. With six universities in town, Lynchburg is celebrated as one of the best college towns in the U.S., offering a lively and supportive community for students.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion 

The University of Lynchburg is wholeheartedly committed to fostering diversity and inclusion on its campus. The Vice President for Inclusive Excellence leads dedicated programs and initiatives in this regard, ensuring that students from diverse backgrounds feel welcomed and supported.

A noteworthy aspect of the university’s commitment to diversity is its international student population, which makes up 20% of the freshman class. The university has a specialized support system for international students, including dedicated staff providing the necessary infrastructure and assistance for their success. This support extends to practical matters, such as transportation, offering rides for shopping and to and from airports, which eases the transition for international students.

Additionally, the university offers special dining options for international students, creating a welcoming environment that reflects their culinary preferences while also being enjoyed by U.S. students. Cultural events that showcase traditions and customs from different countries enrich the campus atmosphere, making it more inclusive.

Dean Nancy Hubbard’s Vision for Academic Excellence and Student Success

Nancy Hubbard, the Dean and Professor of the University of Lynchburg’s College of Business, brings extensive experience and a strong commitment to fostering academic excellence and personal growth among students. Her academic journey, including time at the prestigious Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and Goucher College, exemplifies her dedication to providing a transformative educational experience.

Dean Nancy Hubbard’s message to all students at the College of Business is twofold. First, she highlights the remarkable achievements of the institution’s alumni, including a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, the Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft, and the Executive Vice President of Marketing of the Buffalo Bills. By showcasing these accomplished alumni, Dean Hubbard underscores the potential for current students to reach similar heights in their careers, thanks to the education and opportunities provided by the College of Business.

Secondly, Dean Hubbard encourages students to recognize the comprehensive support they will receive during their academic journey. She assures students that, whether they are high-achieving or initially quieter and more reserved, the College of Business can help them achieve their full potential. The institution is dedicated to nurturing and developing each student, enabling them to grow into confident leaders and achieve their most ambitious goals.



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