TeleRay: Cutting-Edge Telehealth Platform offering HIPAA-Compliant Communications


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The global pandemic resulted in overwhelming concerns within every sector and sphere—especially in the healthcare industry. Following the unprecedented scenarios induced by COVID-19, telehealth platforms rose to significance. These platforms not only helped maintain intact communications between patients and healthcare professionals, but also served as efficient medical facilitators for those patients who were at low-risk and high-risk. Due to their convenience and easy accessibility, these platforms helped tune down the overwhelming environment induced by the pandemic and became a widespread means of healthcare communications. With latest technological incorporations, the telehealth platforms also became efficient reservoirs of storing and accessing medical and healthcare related information.

Currently, various telehealth platforms are offering unique approaches for effective and efficient communications and wider access to healthcare facilities. With seamlessly integrate-able software, TeleRay is a cutting-edge platform that utilizes unique features and capabilities while maintaining a simple layout and intuitive workflow. It is an easy-to-implement telehealth platform that was established a few months prior to the pandemic. A web-based platform, it allows for HIPAA-compliant communications between professionals and patients on all levels. TeleRay is the first platform of its kind to unify the capabilities of face-to-face communication and display results (reports, labs) along with the primary diagnostic tool in healthcare, radiology images. This creates a more holistic view of the patient with all relevant data and images.

Expansive Target Base

TeleRay’s client base includes any size professional—from a single dentist or general practitioner taking digital x-rays and ultrasounds to major institutions. In several cases, TeleRay is able to eliminate multiple vendors with varied offerings and provide a single platform with unified capabilities for a 70% reduction in cost while ensuring HIPAA compliance. If used correctly, it proves much more efficient for any medical site with minimum hassle and cost and can also become a revenue positive platform.

Spearheaded by Proficient Mind

At the core of TeleRay, Timothy Kelley spearheads the company as the Chief Executive Officer. He managed all of the different personalities to have a congruent team and good company culture. “Everyone’s problem is your problem, so you have to know a little about every aspect of the business from development, intellectual property, finance, HR, and more. It’s a daily challenge!” acclaims Timothy.

Alongside undertaking several crucial responsibilities, Timothy also ensures maintaining intact motivation among the team members. According to him, when the mission is clear, understood, and well accepted by the team, motivation comes easy.  His concept of ideal company culture is where all workers know their place without having to be micromanaged. TeleRay harbors the ideology of people being independent and acting as if they are small business owners. The company follows Dalio’s Principles of transparency and open talk while ensuring everyone has a voice.

Comprehensive Client Satisfaction

TeleRay ensures maintaining optimum client satisfaction. The company takes ample time to understand the problems of its clients, trains them how to use its tools for resolving the problems, and follows up to ensure it is being utilized. Timothy asserts that TeleRay customers build the company’s technology roadmap for the future. Customers know their problems and that TeleRay knows how to create tools to fix them.

Analyzing and Scrutinizing Evolutions

Timothy asserts that the pandemic vastly impacted several corporations and how they proceed with business, treat employees, and look at areas of potential growth or failure with more scrutiny due to potential looming disasters from economic to climate. Various sectors, such as hospitality and tourism, succumbed overnight with direct-to-consumer and mail order exploding. From an operational and functional perspective, the sustenance of a company was dependent on the business, culture, and flexibility from a technological capability. As a result, platforms such as Zoom and tools such as TeleRay in telehealth thrived.

Upscaling through Global Crisis

Although the global pandemic resulted in massive disruptions across several industries, it served as a transformative stretch for TeleRay. At the end of the day, patients are consumers and can make decisions. Numerous patients realized they do not have to miss a day of work for having a radiology procedure and consultation. Medical sites proved efficient and safer with keeping sick and healthy patients at home who did not require an in-person visit.

Being a part of the telehealth industry, TeleRay went to a mission sale approach of teaching sites all the important nuances of initializing a telehealth or telemedicine plan. From compliance to efficiency and proper reimbursement, it teaches the best practices every day. The company also created more educational videos, brought on new advisors, and organized its messaging from social to collateral materials.

Equilibrium of Tech and Innovation

Innovation is the usefulness of an invention. Based on this notion, TeleRay seeks to create simple interfaces that can accomplish complex tasks. Its technology is strong and complex. The company educates its customers to practice adaptation instead of adoption as adapting implies improving a current workflow to a more efficient technology.

According to Timothy, technology has provided the capability to better collaborate with larger teams seamlessly. Sharing of information and higher levels of communication act as the drivers of faster growth. Technologies, although non-compliant in healthcare, such as email, facetime, Zoom, iPhones and others, contribute to better communication as long as an individual can stay focused. In the era of technological advent, TeleRay adds to better communication and collaboration in healthcare.

Envisioning Latest Incorporations

TeleRay’s fastest-growing technology enables live web streaming of any modality such as ultrasound to a qualified physician. The company is planning to add more capabilities to communicate, record, and share with all EMRs and PACS with new lab technologies. This will further help major hospitals and their surrounding community of healthcare specialists and providers become more efficient with better outcomes for patients—TeleRay’s primary goal.

Organizational Note:

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