Stefan Quartemont: Pioneering Professional Services & Education in the No-Code Software Industry

Stefan Quartemont

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With change being the only constant for all business domains, leadership has evolved to become more flexible and highly adaptable. There has been a significant shift towards a more collaborative style of leadership, where leaders are integrating with employees to pivot companies towards success. As a result of this dynamic shift, many leaders today have been successfully propelling their companies towards immense success. 

An example of such marked leadership is portrayed by Stefan Quartemont (President of & QREW Technologies). Stefan stands as an embodiment of proactive leadership by contributing to the company’s growth. With an important part to play, Stefan ensures to inculcate collaborative characteristics in his leadership style to help his company grow through all odds. 

Unique Software Solutions

QREW Technologies was established in 2018 to help advance a generation of citizen developers. The company’s core focus is ‘No-Code’ App Development, Training & Consulting, and provides no-code platforms which are efficient and approachable. It offers development services and staff augmentation through its QREW Tech brand to companies looking for expert development teams to deploy AppSheet apps. 

The company’s primary solution——makes it a recognized leader in the Training and Development spaces at the current time. Through its AppSheet Training platform, it sells OnDemand Training, How-To Guides, and Live Instructional Bootcamps for people learning the AppSheet platform. Additionally, the company also holds the #1 most popular Chrome Extension for enhancing the AppSheet app creation experience: AppSheet Toolbox.

Leading from the Front

During the developmental stages of the company, as it grew from its infancy stage, Stefan delegated several duties to trusted people of his team. With time, he has acquired traits such as learning to trust people with key roles and empowering them with enough support and information, from his experience. Cultivating these traits as a part of his leadership model has helped Stefan to derive flexibility and more momentum for his team. 

Being at the helm of the company, Stefan devotes his primary focus towards finding places in the company’s mission where his team members are finding enjoyment, and strives to maximize that momentum. Stefan seeks joy in creating a fun and enjoyable work environment.

Being new to the market, the company’s team keeps shifting roles and priorities to secure traction in the market. With a limited number of employees, Stefan operates the majority of its roles, be it HR or sales. He quotes, “Fortunately, my team has matured enough to take on the lion-share of technical & operational roles. This frees me up to continue connecting with customers and charting the strategic course of our products and services.”

Adhering to Latest Changes

Businesses in the current generation feel more pressured than ever to operate efficiently and gain an edge in the marketplace. With a surplus of intuitive consumer mobile software, many entrepreneurs and line-of-business decision-makers witness the gap between their archaic business software and consumer mobile apps. These companies can visualize a mobile solution for their business, however, finding a suitable out-of-the-box software might pose a challenge.

Briefing how this scenario has paved way for no-code software emergence in the industry, Stefan quotes, “No-Code tools such as AppSheet give business users and entrepreneurs an approachable toolkit to create mobile and automated workflow tools to streamline their operations.” This allows a user to develop a fully functional business app in under an hour without using coding language. 

Leveraging Company’s Solutions during Crisis

COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for speed and efficiency by pushing several businesses and organizations to their breaking points. Amidst such challenging times, QREW Technologies collaborated with Google to create lean apps for state and local governments to help them manage the unprecedented logistical challenges of public support and resourcing during the lock-downs. The company assisted one of the biggest cities in the country in managing the deployment of over 50,000 personnel shifts for COVID response programs in the city over the next 3 months. It worked with the IT and Operations teams to build a fully-featured web & mobile application in under 3 weeks.

As the current software development sector is dominated by high competition, Stefan believes that two factors are the key to success, namely—relentless customer focus, and lean product/service philosophy. He states there is no point in having a technologically impressive product unless it is relevant and tailored for the specific needs of one’s customer segments.

No-code and low-code technologies have opened the door for many non-technical founders to launch relevant products to more niche and specific markets. Stefan perceives that if a person has insight on a need in the market and time to learn about it, they can introduce a product in the market within weeks and start pivoting with a real product/business and with little to no startup cost. He adds that this is the best time for a person to bring their product and secure a place in the market. 

Stefan states that QREW Technologies aims to offer training and tools for other common tools which they Citizen Developers like to use, along with concepts required to succeed. He adds, “We love the innovation and determination in the citizen developer movement and want to remove as many barriers to entry as possible.”

Meaningful Experiences

Justifying his keenness to learn customer service and research, Stefan asserts how people are seeking meaningful experiences which communicate respect, honor, and value. He asserts, “Building a product or service line that evokes those feelings in customers is a surefire winner,” He further recommends listening to the podcast ‘The Brand Manual’ stating that it has great dialog and practicals for communicating effectively to your market. 

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