Pamela D. Kurt: Inculcating Passion-Driven Leadership with Determination and Vision

Pamela D. Kurt

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Passion is a necessary ingredient in leadership.” The statement stands true as passion and leadership go hand-in-hand. Passion helps yield self-awareness and channel energy on core beliefs, interests, and talents. Moreover, realizing and harnessing passion is one of the crucial keys to successful leadership.

One such admirable persona of passionate leadership is reflected by Pamela D. Kurt (Owner of Kurt Law Office, LLC, and Professional Women Life Coach at Best Version of You LLC). A diligent lawyer, Pamela strongly believes that one must seek their passion and yield it to steer their leadership.  

Pursuing and Manifesting Vision

Pamela always wanted to help people. While working at the City of Cleveland, she graduated from law school but still was not satisfied. While pursuing teaching as her second job, Pamela realized she was making a strong impact. Hence, she decided to establish her law firm while still teaching as a substitute and adjunct faculty member at a local college. 

As Pamela interacted with her clients and was able to help them, guide them, and celebrate achievements through various cases, she felt more connected to her purpose. After certain spiritual introspection and manifestation, Pamela found her vision and started running Kurt Law as her main business and source of income. 

Fairness of Justice and Solutions

Kurt Law Firm was established in January of 2009. It was founded with the goal of being able to be the most help to the most people—a neighborhood firm to meet the needs of people irrespective of their situation.

Kurt Law offers fairness of justice and solutions and aims to be the lawyers that everyday people can feel comfortable hiring. It has a solid reputation and is fair with its prices. Kurt Law proceeds with the best interest of people and provides them the best results of their situation. 

“We see people at their worse times usually and want them to feel confident,” remarks Pamela.

A Robust Leader

As a leader, Pamela’s primary role is to lead and develop the law firm. Being at the helm of the firm, she manages most of the marketing and administration. Pamela has also held several leadership roles in the community. She firmly believes that one should always volunteer and give back the best one can. 

Encompassing through Challenging Times

Like most lawyers, Kurt Law was also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pamela quotes that it was difficult for the clients as the courts were continuing most things and there were new areas of issues emerging every day due to COVID. Moreover, the courts adopted new methods as well. Some had mask requirements, while others used Zoom or similar software to handle matters. Three different platforms—similar to Zoom— were used by the courts. Hence, Kurt Law had to learn to adapt to the latest changes quickly. It created an internal policy to confirm whether upcoming court appearances were supposed to be organized over phone, zoom, or in-person and/or through attorneys only.  Pamela further states that although this was not consistent, Kurt Law needed to keep its clients updated, and the daily calls to courts and clients were done solely by one person at one particular time. 

Currently, Kurt Law has adapted several internal systems to assist with those tasks and has also developed systems regarding correspondence with clients—given the US mail slowdowns. It has also adopted email for most communications and billing. 

Regarding client interactions during COVID-19, if someone needed consultation and/or appointment, the firm offered a meeting via Zoom or phone and send the intake paperwork via email. “Most people prefer this presently, they do not have to drive in for booking appointments, wait in queues and drive back,” asserts Pamela. 

Assessing Evolution in Leadership

According to Pamela, leadership has changed over the years in learning to delegate more and be confident in the staff one hires. 

To thrive in the competitive landscape, Pamela suggests inculcating the following qualities:

  • Resilience (Leaders must be able to bounce back intellectually, physically, and emotionally)
  • Vision
  • Optimism
  • Innovative and challenging
  • Courage
  • Communicate openly
  • Culturally sensitive

Perfecting Work-Life Equilibrium

Being a decorated leader, Pamela ensures a work-life balance by indulging in various hobbies. She states, “My hobby and new business has become coaching professional women, especially lawyers.” Pamela has written several books and has worked on several speaking engagements on the subject. She asserts that it has allowed her to possess the passion and satisfaction to narrow down issues with the ladies to be the best self. She further elaborates that although sometimes it is burnout, with COVID-19, many people practiced self-reflection. It further allowed her to help people on a deeper level. 

Additionally, Pamela also runs a coaching program—Dream Believe Achieve DBA YOU! She highly emphasizes prioritizing oneself. Pamela always preaches and has always been preaching to people to take a moment and take care of themselves. She states, “If you do not take care of yourself, you will have nothing left to give—even if those moments are small.”

Pamela encourages people to find their passion and be proud of themselves. She enunciates that every individual is unique in their own manner and offers their skillset and style uniquely. It is a constant struggle among the young attorneys. However, this persuaded Pamela to pursue her second business—Best Version of You.

Pamela D. Kurt quote

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