Nicole Martin: An Enthusiastic Leader Making Visions Come Alive

Nicole Martin

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With a dedicated passion to help others, the CEO and Founder of HRBoost LLC, Nicole Martin is helping entrepreneurs understand the importance that human resources can play in developing and maintaining a strong, vibrant business. Being an empowering consultative leader, Nicole’s expertise provides more to an organization than just a corporate culture boost or a good office vibe. Along with this, she is the author of bestseller books and the host of the internet TV show HR in the Fast Lane.

While sharing her experience of the journey as the aspiring leader, Nicole shared her experiences with Mirror Review, through clever and interesting answers. Here are the excerpts.

The power of presence is the major impact

Which leader had a tremendous impact on you as a leader?

Rather than a leader’s impact on my life, the power of presence had a major impact. To explain this I would like to follow my answer with an incident, I once met a new connection during what I call a “meet and greet.” Not long after we exchanged, he chuckled and proclaimed, “Nicole, you have a keen sense of self-esteem.” I thought to myself, well shouldn’t we all? I questioned back, “Do you mean confidence?” He reaffirmed, “No, esteem. It’s a good thing.” Days later, I find myself amazed by the effect my presence has on others. Often, when I meet people, they will comment on my “energy” or my “presence.”

That is what I believe we all have a presence. I thank the many beautiful people by whom I have learned, be it beside them, with them, or from them. I have beautiful souls who grace my life with their presence. I am grateful for all of them, those who were brief in time and those who are constants. The people that see the greater good in you propel you to believe it for yourself.

Curious, enthusiastic, and passion for work

Which are the three qualities responsible for making you a game-changer of the industry?

There are not limited set of qualities that describe you as the game-changer, however, the qualities that I feel help me in this journey is, that I am naturally curious and seek information for the benefit of others, to be helpful or resourceful, and to learn also even more importantly share. I believe we as leaders had a responsibility to live up to our God-given graces with intention and with purpose.

In addition, I am fuelled by love; love of the work, love for the people we serve, and the optimism that we all can make a difference, this keeps me moving through the journey.

A Highly Qualified Team with Bench Strength

Could you tell us about HRBoost and the ethos behind it?

The journey of my company has been quite interesting. HRBoost was created from the tenacity to do my work but on my terms. In 2009, I supported my employer through downsizing through the recession. By 2010, I became a consultant and had a mission to find the next CEO that desired to create the best place to work. However, I was not willing to sacrifice my role as a mother, and there was no ‘part-time’ at executive level. Dwelling between my personal and professional life I tried to create the balance. When I met my first client, I knew I could help them. They accepted my proposal and within one year, we created a Best and Brightest® Company to Work For and I built a team to keep pace with the growth.

I realized it was not the unique chemistry of the team that I had, but the fact that I had a process. It was amazing and humbling to realize that my team and I were on the same playground. Moreover, to no surprise, we have a highly qualified team with bench strength that requires work to accommodate their lives versus the other way around. Our work environment is all-encompassing virtual, on-site in the client’s business, and highly collaborative.

‘Software is not HR’

Can you tell us about the services and solutions offered by HRBoost?

Our range of services is really unique and innovative. We offer HR services on an ala carte, project or retained basis. We meet our clients wherever they are on their journey to be an employer of choice, to build HR departments from scratch and to align them to business strategy. While we see great value in the middle market, we do have some larger companies that augment their internal HR teams with strategic project initiatives.

I believe software is not HR, and HR is more than payroll and benefits.  Building a high-performance culture that drives innovation and profitability requires leaders at all levels. HR infrastructure can uphold the culture invitation and once it is strategically aligned, and reinforced a company can create workforce alignment.

Unique services and ruthless efforts

What makes your company stand out in the market?

The thing that makes us stand out is that we are the PEO alternative and when it comes to HR outsourcing, the middle market needs an alternative. This gap is filled by our shared services approach, which has been catering to clients. For about 9 years, we have enjoyed word of mouth growth that keeps us busy. We plan to dedicate the next few years towards calculating investment in marketing to see what we can accomplish, and we are excited at the prospects.

Confident about the bright future

What is the craziest idea you have ever had?

Well, the craziest idea was to scale my own business! Ha, and I am still working it; check back with me in 5 years maybe.

A true inspiration for today’s women flock

What are the keys to developing the next-gen of women leaders in the business world?

Firstly, I think women need to stop wearing their gender. If women stopped leading with “I am a woman” and claimed their worth based on results and the contribution they make from a business case perspective, it will be enough. Women must invest in themselves and do the work for which they are more than capable. There is nothing wrong with being feminine and there is nothing wrong with exemplifying assertion and confidence. I don’t see myself different from any other woman in terms of ability; I just know I chose not to settle while playing fair.

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