Happin: Helping Like-minded People build Lifelong Connections


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Over the decade, dating platforms have emerged as the result of the evolution of the internet and several communication applications. The generation has adapted to this medium of socializing, and it has successfully delivered‌. While some dating sites and apps make it easy to find a perfect match, others are littered with fake profiles or inactive members.

Several dating apps are being modified under users’ requirements to discover a solution to these annoyances. Similar to this, Happin, an event-based social network, is making strides toward offering a safe and fulfilling social and dating experience.

A Social Life Booster

Happin is a social networking application that allows you to find real-life events in your area and meet with like-minded individuals, as well as create real-life hangouts, parties, and other activities. The app’s goal is to give like-minded individuals a venue for forging closer relationships in person. Happin invites you to come up with lots of hangout ideas based on your hobbies, such as going on hikes, going on coffee dates, attending music festivals, playing games, etc. The application is motivated by the belief that meaningful connections between people are made via shared experiences.

With Happin, it’s natural to create buzz and find out about exciting new events from your friends and community. You can learn what your friends are up to by following them on social media, or you can find out what the local celebrities are doing. Whether it’s a spontaneous group event or one-on-one, users can quickly organize and manage their plans together using the built-in messenger. The app serves as a personal online hangout for socializing and organizing enjoyable activities.

A Peek at Exclusive Features

Apart from being a proficient and upgraded dating application, Happin comprises several other exclusive features. These features are flexible according to your current or future friend circle. The app also has a group matching feature that lets you have 5 matches at the same time.

Exclusive features include:

  • For existing friends: Check out a friend’s schedule to see what events they’re attending. Join the same event and start a group chat there. Additionally, you can start an audio party to communicate with others via voice.
  • For future friends: It might be challenging to connect with like-minded individuals during an event. Happin offers group chats for conversation with other participants as well as a matching swipe option for those who are attending the same event!
  • Share what you are up to: Happin is all about exchanging social values. It can watch what your other connections are doing in addition to sharing your whereabouts.
  • Connect with like-minded people: After selecting an event, you can look through the participants to see if anyone fits your mood just right.
  • Share hangout moments: Happin lets you share pictures of the activities in an event with friends. This could be a way to advertise a recurring concert, gathering, or party.
  • Group matching: Match with up to 5 people at a time based on similar interest hashtags, events you are going to, and opinions on fun, random questions.

Guidelines for group matching are:

  • You can check people’s profiles based on your shared interests
  • Group is created when at least 2 people join
  • After 48 hours, if most people do not accept the group chat request, the group will be dismissed.
  • You can also explore matching filters, based on your age, geolocation, and events.

Discovering and Creating Events Nearby

Happin makes it easy to find local events to enhance a fun life, and joining a forthcoming event is just a few taps away. The software allows you to create events, specify dates, and discover activities nearby. You have the option to select the maximum number of guests when creating events. Thus, when the predetermined number of guests arrive, the invitation ends.

For further privacy, you can also block certain people from seeing the event created by going through upcoming events. It is advised to describe the event in the description box to provide additional information about it. Along with planning actual events, the app lets you hang out with friends while bringing up a virtual live streaming party or a virtual after-party audio event.

For third-party events: The app offers simple capabilities for sharing events with third parties. Events are shown on the profile page by copying the event URL and submitting the event.

For Happin events: You can plan events as an organizer. The app provides all the web resources needed to promote an event, sell tickets, and bring people together. Directly from the Happin creation tools, you can create live in-person, video live stream, audio, and hybrid events.

Happin through CEO’s Eyes

Happin CEO Alex Li states that Happin “reverses the social media paradigm.” He believes that “Happin is a platform that is more of a ‘to do’ app rather than a ‘status’ app.” The difference is that on apps like Instagram, you can take a picture of the coffee to show off where you are and with Happin you can encourage or ask people to have coffee with you.

Alex continues, “GEN-Z has social media burnout, but Happin can provide

them the tools to know what their friends are up to instead of what happened without them, to solve the fear of missing out and loneliness.”

Safe and Secure Experience

Happin places a high priority on user safety by verifying identities through both technical methods, such as ID and photo verification, social evidence, etc. You are free to meet and form groups with your personal friends, but three other group members must approve new members before they can join. By using criteria like age or gender, you can create filters to restrict who can view them and who can see them. Additionally, you may provide a “purpose tag” to specify what you want the new relationship to be about.

Guide to Operation

Happin is simple to use once you get started. Both the Play Store and the App Store provide it. Installing the app from the store and creating an account are required first. However, you can download the app using your Google or Apple ID. The app will go through the usual account creation steps.

Some basic steps to invite friends, create events, and join an event are:

  • Create an event: To access the profile once inside the app, press the avatar symbol in the very bottom right corner. To organize an event or share hangout experiences, hit the cross (+) icon in the middle of the screen.
  • Invite Friends: Tap the Invite Friends Now banner to send invitations to friends in other social applications or contact lists, which will make the platform more entertaining.
  • To join an event: To take part in an event, tap on the one you want to.



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