Easy Buy Cars: A Multi-Roof Automotive Franchisee Made For Branded Cars And Their Services

Easy Buy Cars

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Today, almost every industry is dominated by the internet. Automotive retail is no exception to this scenario. With the increasing number of internet and smartphones users, people are just a few taps away from the information on various sectors. Today, there are a number of portals dedicated to automotive sales, providing customers with the requested data, which has somehow eliminated the traditional and conventional ways of buying. According to a recent survey, 98% of new vehicle buyers study, review, and compare cars on the internet before buying. Therefore, to survive in this highly competitive and consumer-conscious market, companies need to leverage the cutting-edge technologies to fulfill client requirements and stay tuned with the digital era.

Ahead of its competition, the leading automotive retail firm, Easy Buy Cars Pvt. Ltd. (EBC) is providing an online platform for the vending of cars. EBC is the fastest growing car franchise that serves the local communities in a huge growth market with vibrant online-offline market space. Along with being an automotive retail company, it also financially helps in establishing businesses or aids to grow the already established ones.

Using Cutting-Edge Technologies to Improve Services

EBC leverages cutting-edge technologies to improve its services and products. The company made use of digitization to attract the online crowd by creating an application. This application benefits customer relationship management. The long process of entering all the data and car details can be avoided with the help of the company platform. Users can post their car details without using the keypad. Furthermore, EBC is developing few bots, which will help customer to find their products easily. Presently, all the competitors want their start-ups to become the leading tech companies. However, this climb takes lot of efforts and strategies to reach the top. But, overcoming the challenges and tackling them smoothly is the key mantra to survive. It is very true that implementing new technologies is easy but the main challenge is to handle them. For this, EBC has a skilled team that manages the advanced technologies effortlessly and overcomes all the associated challenges they face down the road.

Must-Take Litmus Test before Investing in New Technologies

Being a leading company means to stay in-sync with the emerging technologies introduced in the market. However, investing blindly in such novel technologies may result adversely. Therefore, to avoid this risk, EBC ensures that the technology it invests in is bringing the required change in its business or not, whether after deep analysis, it is fulfilling the current as well as future aspects. Moreover, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the leader should be aware of the technology he/she is investing in because investing in something you don’t understand is pointless and can definitely affect the business unfavorably.

Bound and Determined Front runner of EBC

Jaswant Singh, (CEO & Founder) established Easy Buy Car Pvt Ltd in 2017. From the day of its inception, the company has been achieving the milestones one after the other and graciously walking past the challenges under Jaswant’s mentorship. The dynamic leader has been working as the spine of the company by working constantly with his zealous attitude. His passion for the automotive industry is understandable as he comes from a technological background. He holds a B.Tech degree and additionally is profound in management skills, customer service, and sales. As the CEO of a leading company, numerous responsibilities are wrapped under this designation and come with tremendous responsibilities. Jaswant believes that as the CEO, he is never off duty and has numerous questions constantly running through his mind like what are the steps to be taken and where the company is headed in the future.

Easy Buy Cars

Jaswant has always been an enthusiast for novel tech, cars, and traveling. If given a chance to choose an alternate career he would go for his passion for traveling. Explaining his alternate career phantasm, Jaswant says, “I have always been fond of visiting and exploring new places, and the thing that galvanizes me a lot is that I want others to visit the same place and explore nature with me or through my recommendation.

Consistent with the Roadmap

Recently, EBC has entered the GCC market through a joint venture with an investment advisory firm – Arkstons Investments Ltd. The new firm, EBC Bahrain WLL has been set up in the Kingdom of Bahrain that will cater to the GCC market. Jaswant is determined that in the coming 5 years, EBC will be among the top leading multi-brand car selling franchise of India and GCC.  By focusing more on brand marketing of the company, the emerging automotive retailer anticipates that 80% of India and GCC become aware of the firm and what it does. As expansion is the key to growth, EBC is rapidly forging its footprints in the market locally as well as globally with the help of its skilled employees.

Heading towards the Goal

With such steady pace and rapid expansion, EBC aims to increase employability and recruit skilled staff as it is all set to get a second round of funding. It also aims to have a franchise all over India and GCC. Therefore, in the journey towards achieving this goal, EBC has seized around 40 cities and established its franchisee. Due to its multiple achievements, the cutting-edge automotive dealer company has been recognized as the Fastest Growing Car Franchisee from NEA.  Also, to keep the upward momentum going, Jaswant and the team of EBC aim to move in the direction of constructive growth and continued success.

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