Dilpreet Brar: Translating The Healthcare Vision Into Reality

Dilpreet Brar

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In the words of a noted political pamphleteer and poet, Jonathan Swift, “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” Dr. Dilpreet Brar, Founder & MD of medECUBE Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. believes creativity follows the similar path. A creative person is blessed with a conglomerate of qualities such as imagination, vision, experience of the unseen, focus, patience, passion and commitment. Sharing her views on defining creativity, Dilpreet says, “Most of us know something or someone is creative when we see, hear, or experience it. It strikes a certain chord within us and is unique, distinctive and brings forth a different perspective than we had before, in a way that it must bring joy to us as we experience it. Creativity is the ability to connect the dots in a different way that can be obviously seen and construct something very new and imaginative, making new unseen patterns emerge from something seemingly simple.”

Trip Down The Memory Lane

Dilpreet’s initial choice of career was to become a neurosurgeon. But, the role of a trans-disciplinarity fascinated her to become one. In her opinion, it does not matter if an individual is running a business, managing a team, or teaching a class; leadership skills are important in all circumstances. Management expertise is a necessity which can be imbibed; leadership, on the other hand, cannot be taught or learnt.

In the past, Dilpreet had executed certain things that made her a skilled and successful leader today. She is an optimistic person by nature which gave her the ability to motivate, inspire and carry her team during the tough times. Earlier on she realized the importance of attentiveness, honesty, and transparency, which in turn gave her the ability to perform with high integrity. Another important quality that Dilpreet inculcated was to offer her people with equal opportunity and space to perform. Today, she completely trusts her team and has immense faith in their abilities and skills.

Trans-disciplinary Leader On A Mission

medECUBE was founded on Dilpreet’s 3 cardinal values: Ethics Empathy Expertise. According to her, only three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion and under performance, whereas the remaining issues require strong leadership skills. Dilpreet started her professional journey by working as a clinician for 15 years and as an administrator for another 15 years. That gave her a good perspective about behind the scene operations of hospitals and where the gaps were needed to be bridged. For a long time, the healthcare system was working with the clinicians as their central point of medical aid delivery. Later, it changed to some form of patient-centric care; however, the basic pivot remained focused on clinical excellence.

Over the years of observing the system from the inside, Dilpreet’s experience enlightened her that the biggest gap in patient care was not the lack of clinical excellence; rather absence of seamless clinical coordination between the practitioners and their working ecosystems. After identifying these major gaps, Dilpreet decided to move outside of hospitals and connect the gaps by starting a company which provides focused clinical coordination services. The daunting task that stood in front of her was educating people to recognize the existing pitfalls and get them familiar with the beneficial clinical coordination landscape.

Right from being a relationship clinician for the NRI parents, to doing coordination in a hospital and making a business development visit to Iraq, Dilpreet juggles her duties effortlessly.

Innovative Clinical Coordination Service

medECUBE offers a new way of getting the healthcare needs to be served by making clinical coordination to the core of the process for a very simple and transparent fee. Backed by Artiman Ventures, a Silicon Valley based VC firm, medECUBE offers an entirely new approach to healthcare delivery where clinical coordination is at the center. Clinical coordination across multiple specialists and providers is complex, and requires clinical knowledge beyond the reach of a non-doctor. It entitles solving several underlying friction points such as follows.

  • Helping the consumer in selecting the right hospital and doctor, getting the necessary appointments, and navigating the healthcare system.
  • Getting a second opinion when needed, and reconciling it with the first opinion.
  • Managing records and alerts, because health records of people are fragmented, and scattered across multiple places.
  • Connecting the dots while anticipating the pros and cons of every step in the chain of delivering healthcare to the consumer.

The stakeholders that medECUBE represent are its consumers. The clinical coordination service provider does not own any hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, or laboratories. Instead, the team coordinates across and utilizes the existing facilities with which medECUBE has partnered with, for their specific areas of excellence.

Dilpreet Brar quotes

Age vs Creativity

The founder of medECUBE believes that creativity is not related to age. Numerous architects have delivered their best work in their later stage of life. In contrast, young brigade of scientists and Nobel laureates have given their most creative contributions to the society. Outside of inherited traits, creativity depends mostly on what inspire individuals and who mentors them. Therefore, age holds no bar when it comes to creativity.

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