David Kezerashvili: An Entrepreneur with a Strong Social Commitment

David Kezerashvili

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Until recently, the world has known David Kezerashvili as a remarkable entrepreneur, venture capitalist in finance-related technology, and a real-estate developer insisting on ultra-modern and useful architecture. However, a recent Forbes article has revealed the astute businessman’s desire to do good for those in need.

The lengthy write-up by Forbes was boldly titled “Volunteers Came Together Around The World To Save Ukraine With Aid: An Exemplary Illustration Of How It Was Done.” The article details how a constellation of good-hearted people are overcoming obstacles to help Ukrainians suffering the horrors of the Russian invasion. David was a catalyst to bring together the aid efforts. He stepped forward and paid for the first humanitarian aid delivery flight when no one else would.

His commitment demonstrated that with the proper resources, the complexities of the logistics involved could be alleviated. His initial donation paved the way for 12 other significant and critical flight donations by other individuals and groups.

Many people were drawn to David’s contribution because of the timely nature. At a time when speed was of the essence to provide meaningful assistance for the Ukrainians bearing the weight of war. The first flight has triggered a flood of donations and has portrayed David as the go-to individual to call when humanity requires immediate assistance. A, seemingly, rare trait in these times.

Georgians Enduring Support for Ukrainians

The donation to fund the flight was one of many charitable acts performed by David, Georgia’s former Defense Minister. A quick look into his history reveals that David has assisted Ukrainian war victims in various ways for quite some time. One aid strategy was the establishment of a relief fund through his television channel, Formula TV. He made a staggering initial donation to prime the pump for other donations.

The entrepreneur also used the Formula TV platform to rally public sentiment for Ukrainians caught up in the horrors of war. Formula TV is systemic in its war news coverage, including from reporters in conflict hotspots. The channel also uses its influence to keep Ukraine at the top of Georgia’s national discussion. The former defense minister has also turned to  social media for this purpose. His activities demonstrate a strong social commitment as well as active support for the Ukrainian people.

Given his stellar performance in the sphere, David is a force to be reckoned with. An example of the man’s ability to outdo himself when the need arises. Generally, David prefers his philanthropic endeavors to remain anonymous. In this particular case we the public are only seeing a fraction of David’s philanthropic work. He is typically an anonymous donor, preferring to keep his name from the headlines. He is wary of drawing attention away from the actual cause and the volunteers behind the charities he supports. In this particular case, the opposite is desired. In the case of aid to Ukraine, publicity of this nature will help motivate others to make donations large and small.

The Motivation Behind David’s Philanthropy

Successful entrepreneurs and well-known business people frequently volunteer their time, connections, and knowledge to help others help themselves. Most other emotions pale compared to the satisfaction of serving humanity to the fullest extent possible.

This analogy does not negate that philanthropy is sometimes a two-way street. The recipient is aided with their needs, and the donor enriches their world through recognition and good press. It is a demonstration of the business world’s part of a larger constellation of humanitarianism.

David follows a long tradition of entrepreneurs giving back and aiding those less fortunate. Andrew Carnegie is often considered the blueprint for such men. The ‘Man of Steel’ gave away nearly all of his fortune to improve people’s lives. Over a century later, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is slowly giving away his fortune to worthy causes.

A different trigger, however, prompts David to reach for his wallet. His experience as a defense minister thus influences his instincts. His donations, along with other contributions to Ukraine’s beleaguered people, reveal his intentions.

David’s instinctive concern for Ukrainian welfare is part of the age-old bond between Georgians and Ukrainians. People from the two countries have a special bond due to their shared anguish caused by Russia’s imperial tendencies. Georgia and Ukraine have both been victims of recent Russian aggression. Both continue to fight back. David was the defense minister when Russia invaded his country in 2008. Ukraine came to Georgia’s aid by providing necessary defense materiel. Despite their government’s sluggish response, Georgians feel indebted to Ukraine and steadfastly support their allies in their fight against their aggressive neighbor.

According to the Forbes article, his contribution to the welfare of Ukrainians demonstrates the good intentions of his charitable work.

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