Welcome to the New Age of Business Marketing

Mirror Review has been a prominent platform for businesses to market their brand stories. We have a legacy both in circulating print and digital magazines. Due to the pandemic and complete adoption of digitalization, we have revamped our approach to give the highest ROI to our clients. We have moved completely on digital assets and focus keenly on targeting our audience on digital platforms.

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    Notable Features of Advertising with Us

    We have been catering to the business advertising needs for years. Now that we are completely online, we have end-to-end control on how your target audience views your content.

    Target Regions

    Our website is organically targeted for regions – the USA and North America.

    Target Audience

    Our content is curated for professionals with titles – CEOs, CIOs, CMOs, and Managers.

    Target Interests

    Our readers majorly include users with interests – Business News, Technology Trends, Entrepreneurship, and Enterprise Solutions.

    Mode of Circulation

    We circulate our magazine issues through our email distribution and optimize our web pages for Search Engines to increase their visibility.

    Our Prestigious Clients

    Boost your Digital Presence with our Services

    Based on our surveys and experiences of our past clients, we have created two packages to suit your requirements.

    Cover Story

    • Top Features:
    • Image on the cover
    • 5 Page article in the magazine
    • 1500-2000 words article
    • 2 Page CXO
    • Email Marketing
    • 2 Full page advertisement in upcoming magazines
    • 12 months partnership for publishing press releases
    • Logo of Magazine and Certificate of Recognition
    • Add Ons: Video feature, Paid LinkedIn Marketing, Geo-Targeted Posts, Print Copies

    Profile Features

    • Top Features:
    • 2 Page article in the magazine
    • 900-1000 words article
    • 2 Page CXO
    • Email Marketing
    • 1 Full page advertisement in upcoming magazines
    • 6 months partnership for publishing press releases
    • Logo of Magazine and Certificate of Recognition
    • Add Ons: Video feature, Paid LinkedIn Marketing, Geo-Targeted Posts, Print Copies

    Tap the Potential of one of the largest B2B Network

    We currently have a network of 80k+ Subscribers. We have built this network to help you reach the right audience. We constantly analyze these subscribers and update them with new subscribers that we capture through our paid campaigns and organic reach.

    Hybrid Mode of Advertising

    We have experienced that the engagement of users on value providing content is substantially higher than the engagement we can obtain on our ads. To overcome this situation and to increase the ROI of our partner advertisers, we offer hybrid solutions that include:

    Advertorial content

    We collaborate with your teams to create content that more value and less advertisement.

    Brand value

    We focus on creating and promoting your brand story that builds credibility among your prospective and existing clients.

    SEO Optimization

    Along with circulating your content to our subscribers, we optimize your profile to increase its visibility on Search Engines.

    Backlink Support

    As we believe in providing the highest ROI, we will give backlinks to your websites, to support your SEO strategies.

    Video Making

    We try to engage our audiences through all modes. We market our value-driven videos to our target audience and feature you in those.

    Paid Campaigns

    We understand that at times, your target audience may not align with our organic reach, so we promote your content to your target audience.

    Would you like to start a project with us?

    Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a story to tell,solutions/services to market, products to sell, or even if you have any queries regarding our services.
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