Kenneth-Maxwell Nance: Aiming to deliver the Finest Leadership Coaching

Kenneth-Maxwell Nance

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The business world has transformed at every bit of the moment in order to respond to contemporary challenges in the market. Business leadership, on the other hand, is still in the process of development and about to reach perfection. In the present situation, there is a combination of management and leadership philosophies to grow businesses. In such a scenario, where organizations are still learning to grapple with the tensions between them in practice, leadership coaching can empower aspiring entrepreneurs to step ahead and contribute to their respective fields. Kenneth-Maxwell Nance (Director, Maxwell Leadership Institute) (MLI) is a distinguished leader who is bridging the gap between businesses and leaders through coaching.

Vibrant Educational Background

Prior to becoming a successful leader and being recognized as a coach in business leadership, Nance’s journey began as a youth counselor in the business space. He finished his certification with the John Maxwell Team and studied at the Harvard Kennedy School. Later, he pursued a Ph.D. Industrial & Organizational Psychology, specializing in Leadership Development & Coaching from Walden University. Nance also completed his MBA from the University of Cumbria.

Kenneth-Maxwell worked in Information Systems Security Services where he developed analytical skills. Moreover, he is a Retired Officer in the United States Department of Defense. He was the chairman of the Xcorp organization, where he oversaw a Board of Directors in the development of policies and strategic plans to improve the firm’s value and delivery of services. Currently, Nance is working as an executive business leader, where he manages strategic planning, crisis management, interventions, and prevention for global organizations.

Distinguished Leadership Qualities

Nance worked diplomatically in the sphere of International Relations where he developed community outreach and program development skills. Meanwhile, business studies increased the understanding of the needed synergy between business and coaching. Consequently, business organizations started using Leadership and coaching to enhance performance. At the same time, when Kenneth-Maxwell was serving in the Department of Defense, the business sector transitioned from counseling to the term coaching, supporting management to enhance performance and accomplish business objectives and goals. Having excellent teaching skills, Nance became a distinguished leader in a military academy and was rated among the top 10 percent of all peers at the international level for two decades.

Improving the Lives and Livelihoods of People

Established in 2018, The Maxwell Leadership Institute (MLI) is a global leadership research institute that aims to contribute to improving leadership qualities at the global level. The institute conducts rigorous research, analyzes, and reports on leadership from a psychological and or social science underpinning for social change and human progress. MLI and other affiliates accomplish this mission and vision for improving the lives and livelihoods of people through Leadership’s Grand Theory (LGT) Academy. The academy plans to host 2 million initial global learners before reaching its goal of 4 billion learners. Nance is the key lecturer at this academy and addresses it as the only venue at the moment in the world that delivers leadership’s grand theory, which he discovered, and applied for a patent relating to a method based on the theory.

Leadership’s Grand Theory

Over 93% of midrange and local leadership theories lack a crucial dimension and thus lack understanding of its role in the success of leadership. The few theories that come close to the dimension lack a strong theoretical underpinning and a clear means of attainment. To overcome these hurdles, Leadership’s grand theory comes into the picture. All engagements, approaches, and methods are well-founded on Leadership’s Grand Theory. It is the long-sought-after central theory by a generation of scholars. The theory explains how leadership works, thus ensuring leadership coaching is at its best.

The Right Use of Knowledge

Knowledge is the power; however, in the practice of leadership, it is the right use of knowledge that proves to be the power. It is one of the new multidimensional leadership constructs that stems from Leadership’s Grand Theory. While explaining the importance of knowledge in leadership Nance says, “The leadership requires possessing five dimensions, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, purpose, and the moral virtue”. The right use of knowledge helps to sustain leadership in the future. Nance is an expert in delivering Leadership coaching based on LGT and facilitates effective practice in the space.

Bringing the Revolution

An ongoing effort at the Maxwell Leadership Institute is the exploration and study of the leadership failure phenomenon. It provides the following services and solutions for bringing a revolution in global leadership:

  • Conducts the most rigorous, valid, credible, trustworthy, and quality research possible using the best possible methods.
  • Commences activities that demonstrate the best leadership practice for human progress and the right living of people with collaborators and communities.
  • Co-creates the best development methods for leaders globally.
  • Continues to inspire and influence the best evidence-based leadership practice globally.
  • Contributes a definition that can define leadership in any context, grounded in leadership’s grand theory.
  • Creates an academy to deliver leadership’s grand theory.

Miracle Nation

With excellent coaching techniques, Nance and the company have gained loyal customers. While sharing his experiences with clients Nance says, “Typical clients are those doing all that they know to do and not attaining the level of success believed. In a few instances, there was the contemplation of suicide.” He observed a lack of alignment between perfection and the skills of people. Thereafter, he faced challenges in the delivery of LGT licensing to a miracle nation that strives to be the best. This nation came from poverty and rose near the top of the world in shipbuilding, electronics, Internet access, and semiconductor spaces. There is a rise in performance reflected on the spreadsheet (e.g., 30% year-over-year growth, a stock value increase of 247%).

“The Team doesn’t work in a Vacuum”

In order to build the best team, it is important to focus on people who are critical to the multi-triadic relational practice of leadership. Consequently, maintaining and sustaining knowledge and understanding the inner self and people is crucial to fulfilling the purpose of influencing people which facilitates motivation and efficiency in the best manner. Overcoming all the hurdles, Nance and his team members are working efficiently to fulfill the needs of their customers and encourage leadership qualities at a global level.

Leadership Holy Grail

Leadership’s grand theory emerged from a 3-year exploratory sequential-mixed methods study. It offers an explanation of empirical evidence cited by the leadership development industry. Nance took this theory to another level in his book Leadership Holy Grail (in press) which explains how leadership works and does not work. The book provides: 

  • Answers to the critical questions on leadership theory, development, and practice.
  • Empirical and scientific evidence that without the construct failure is imminent.
  • Four virtues and one prerequisite that will allow a leader to lead anywhere.
  • The context for motivation, job involvement, and organizational commitment.
  • A basis for life satisfaction, mental health, and customer satisfaction.
  • A culture for job satisfaction that negatively correlates with withdrawal cognitions, turnover, heart disease, perceived stress, and pro-union voting.

Unplugging from Work

In order to equally prioritize the demands of career and personal life, Nance believes to achieve work-life balance as a part of the routine. He used to practice martial arts from an early age and now he manages to exercise on daily basis. He continues to be a lifelong learner who is framed by certain objectives in life and leadership coaching is one of those objectives for him. “Work-life balance is maintained by a life of purpose with a library of diaries/planners to stay on track facilitating the forming of habits contributing to the purposes,” concludes Nance.


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