AGILEUM: Delivering Premier Business Performance Through Innovation

As Professor of Harvard University, Daniel Bell quotes, “Technology like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.” An industry that is built on innovation and development, information technology (IT) landscape is proving to be inspiring, profitable and life changing. In today’s digitized world, emerging technologies are reshaping businesses, markets and entire economies. Oracle technology based Cloud services are a modern take on accelerating business applications and transformations. Oracle is the driving force that gives faster growth, escalate digital evolutions and elevate business process efficiencies. This digital technology reward, in the form of Oracle, is indeed proving to be a blessing for businesses in the ever changing e-dominated world.

Based in Mauritius, for 25 years AGILEUM is one of the leading pioneers in data processing, integration of information systems and applications of business-oriented software solutions. With a global span of four world renowned partners in technology applications, (Oracle, SAP, IBM & Microsoft), AGILEUM is able to provide robust and viable solutions, assisting enterprises in their journey towards digital transformation. These mutually beneficial/strategic partnerships enable the IT consulting company to exploit the data, tap into fresh thinking, and use third-party tools to transform the clients’ businesses. The focus of AGILEUM is to bring value added companies and governmental organizations, which solicit particular know-how of information systems so as to improve their business skills. Recently, AGILEUM has been awarded the ‘’ERP Cloud Oracle Implementing partner in the SADC Region” for 2018.

AGILEUM also offers its expertise to accompany customers in their digital transformation by integrating in its practice elements such as Internet of Things, Analytics (relevant analysis of large data sets) and Artificial Intelligence. The Oracle service provider currently has over 180 employees operating in eight offices within the region and in Europe. AGILEUM Hospitality, a business entity acquired in October 2016, is a significant component of the activity of the group and strengthens its position in the hospitality industry by allowing its existing and future customers to achieve an optimal level of performance, thanks to a centralized information system which has proved its worth.

Distinguished Leader & Outstanding Achiever

Sylvain Deslandes is the CEO of AGILEUM, since 1999. Originally from France, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from INSA de Lyon (1987). He later, joined the Accenture group and consolidated his experience, while developing and implementing both their technical and operational information systems. Given his professional experiences, he took up new challenges, which eventually led him to nine countries, including the United-States and Brazil. Over the years, he rose through the ranks, participating in the development and integration strategies for companies dealing with different sectors: health, automobile and telecommunications, amongst others. Soon after, Sylvain contributed to the establishment of Accenture in Mauritius for a period of 7 years.

With a real passion for innovation, he always looks towards the future and steers his objectives on a long-term basis. For him, every change is a synonym to progress, enabling him to enlarge his scope of diversifying and adopting more responsibilities. It is important for Sylvain, to be mobile, different and agile, so as to adapt to new technologies. The same agility is reflected in his approach towards customers and integration, along with implementation of strategies. The head of the company is more committed than ever to be a key player in the digital revolution.

Having exposure to other cultures and different professional backgrounds, Sylvain demonstrates a liberal, flexible and combined style of management and leadership, articulating his thoughts around key parameters as how to innovate and exceed customer expectations and at the same time ensuring quality, respecting the budget and schedule. He has extensive experience in leading complex projects and implementing programs in various industries. Sylvain continues to develop AGILEUM as well as technology and outsourcing services in Mauritius.

Strengths & Assets of AGILEUM

According to the famous American business author, Michael LeBoeuf, “Every company’s greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company.” This holds true, in case of AGILEUM. The Oracle platinum partner company offers a unique, robust, innovative products and services, which meet the international standards. The highly skilled team creates solutions, that are adapted as per the clients’ requirements and business challenges through user experience, design and functionalities.

AGILEUM has a unique cross-disciplinary approach that integrates all aspects with dexterity in each of their domains (Cloud, Data, Mobility and Security). The impressive & talented team understands emerging technologies and applies; Drupal, WordPress, PhoneGap, Natif IOS, Natif Android, Node. J’s, Angular. J’s, Ionic, Loop Back in their solutions. It has the capacity to provide continual assistance and advice to an unlimited number of customers throughout the world, which becomes a win-win business relationship on both the sides.

Superior Oracle Offerings & Latest Cloud Oracle Solutions Featuring Cloud Fusion Finance, HCM And Cloud Warehouse Management

AGILEUM is an Oracle certified partner for over more than 18 years and works on products such as Oracle based database, forms & reports, e-business Suite R12 – 12.2.4 (GL, AP, AR, FA, CM, PO, IC, iProc, Payroll, HRMS), Fusion R12 (Financials, SCM, order management, Manufacturing) fusion performance & Goal Mgt, Talent Mgt and BI Publisher 10.1.

Taking a look at the services, the company covers activities such as functional requirements, gathering and review, technical design, configuration, development & unit testing, code reviews and round a clock unwavering support. AGILEUM has been instrumental in implementing the finance, supply chain, order management, manufacturing and HCM through the design & configuration, integration, training and deployment phases.

Customer Care & Support

At AGILEUM, the team has developed work methodologies, which enables industrialization of the solutions for their customers. The team believes that, it is essential to be competitive in their line of business, ensuring the high quality of work. In a very short time, the Oracle service provider company has successfully catered to the Mauritian and African client’s solutions of international standard.

To help AGILEUM in this endeavor, they developed strong partnerships with global players such as Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, and IBM. In the past 10 years, the company has established very close relationship with Accenture, which plays a major role as an advisor for the organization. Keeping up with the modern times, the company has redefined their strategies, allowing its customers to accomplish their digital transformation, developing their skills around Cloud and mobile solutions. The team also offers their customers with the ability to manage the security of information systems. Furthermore, they treat and analyze the data of their clients carefully.

As Cloud technologies are being increasingly adopted by the clients, teams are 24/7 connected, resulting in saving time, providing autonomy to users, allowing timelines for the collection of data and decision making. These technologies require less maintenance, facilitating interaction between management and applications.

Future beyond the Horizon

Along with the skilled team and extraordinary leader, AGILEUM hopes to continue enhancing their service lines that are part of the whole process of digital transformation in terms of doubling their turnover within 4 years. In terms of growth, the company visualizes rapid expansion in the Indian Ocean and African regions as well as accelerates the deployment of their mobile solutions ‘Made in Moris’ at an international level. Further, AGILEUM wishes to provide continual innovation for their ‘Made in Moris’ solutions that have been successful in Africa and Europe. Lastly, the Oracle leading service provider desires to focus on customization, considering the business context so as to provide specific solutions per industry.

Valuable Suggestions from the CEO

Sylvian Deslandes advises the budding entrepreneurs to put innovation at the heart of the thinking process, deliver extraordinary services to the clients and remain humble enough to accept failures. Lastly he adds, “Be part of and use the Ecosystem around you, you cannot do it all by yourself.”

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