One of the major parts of planning finances is insurance, covering not only one’s current well-being but also the future well-being. Between the numerous kinds of coverage offered, two emerge as the best because they are affordable yet very comprehensive- term life and personal accident.
What is term life insurance?
Term life insurance, sometimes referred to as term assurance, is a form of life cover. It offers cover for a specified period. During that term, the client pays the installments periodically, and if they die in that term, it pays the benefit to the selected beneficiaries. Many people love the simplicity and affordability of term life insurance. Unlike permanent life insurance, it does not accrue cash over time. Rather, term insurance focuses on the death benefit coverage with no accretion of savings or investment income.
There are various types of term insurance to suit different needs and then some. Here are some of them:
Level Term Insurance: The flat death benefit is paid during the duration of the term, usually 10 to 30 years.
Decreasing Term Insurance: This reduces with time. That makes it best suited for a person who might want to settle liabilities like a mortgage, whose reduction happens gradually.
Renewable Term Insurance: At the end of a term, one is allowed to renew the insurance. However, the renewal mostly goes hand-in-hand with the increment of premiums.
Convertible Term Insurance: Term insurance can be converted into permanent life insurance without any kind of medical test. This is very useful during a time of change in financial or health conditions.
What are Personal Accident Insurance?
This particularly addresses the injuries or disabilities, plus death resulting from an accident, under personal accident insurance. Term life insurance, however, generally gives only a death benefit but not necessarily everything that would be given through personal accident insurance, including permanent disability and temporary disability because of an accident, and all medical expenses as well.
Personal accident insurance is irreplaceable for the simple fact that accidents are capable of taking anyone from life, regardless of age, walk of life, profession, or lifestyle. At permanent disability all the way through to death up to hospitalisation,.
Why You Need Both Term Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance
Now that we have an idea about both types of coverage, let’s see why it is so important to have both. Combining term life insurance and personal accident insurance gives a much more comprehensive protection strategy.
1. Comprehensive protection for different kinds of risk scenarios
Two distinct insurance covers will give you better safety in your life; that is term life and personal accident. Term life gives your family sufficient finances when you die because of disease or natural causes. Personal accident insurance is protection given in the case where a person suffers from injury or death resulting from accidents.
For example, if the person died miserably in an accident, term life insurance would pay the lump sum to their family. Meanwhile, if they survived with permanent disabilities due to serious injuries, personal accident insurance would also pay for the medical costs and even compensate for loss of income since they would not be able to earn again.
2. Financial Security Against Unpredictable Events
The main purpose of securing both term life insurance and personal accident insurance is to protect your family against the vagaries of life. Accidents can strike at any notice, and no amount of sensible financial portfolio would be able to meet the immediate as well as long-term financial implications that an accident or permanent disability would bring upon the individual.
Personal accident insurance helps ease the burden of unforeseen medical expenses, while term life insurance guarantees that your loved ones will not struggle to meet daily expenses, pay off debts, or save for future goals after your passing.
3. Affordable Protection
Term life insurance is relatively inexpensive by most metrics and certainly relative to whole or permanent insurance. Term insurance is so affordable that policyholders can put aside part of their budget to fund other forms of coverage they need, such as personal accident insurance.
For example, personal accident insurance is not necessary to go through medical underwriting, and therefore most people can afford it. Having the two together at a considered price ensures that one enjoys financial peace without sacrificing the expense of other acquisitions.
4. Income Protection Complementary Coverage
Income protection is probably one of the most important benefits of term life insurance and personal accident insurance. Term life insurance will ensure that your family can survive financially in case you die. Personal accident insurance can replace lost wages in case you cannot work due to an accident.
This means income protection is part of long-term planning in case people get injured; even the healthiest of individuals could meet with accidents in today’s volatile job market. Together, the two policies represent a more holistic approach to protecting your income should any significant shocks come your way.
5. Peace of Mind
It is actually a special kind of peace of mind within itself: the term life insurance combined with personal accident insurance. Knowing there is a safety net whether it would be an unaccounted death or an accident provides one with maximum relief against anxiety about the future. It gives you confidence and reassures you to live your life and breathe knowing that your family and finances will be safe despite whatever happens.
Therefore, term life insurance and personal accident insurance are the complete financial plan. Term life insurance makes sure that your family lives well in case of untimely death, and personal accident insurance takes care of injuries or disabilities or accidental death. Therefore, putting money on both term life insurance and personal accident insurance places you in control of your future. With all this knowledge, one can find a suitable personal accident insurance policy for his needs, and understanding all the types of term insurance may give the needed cover to live life without fear, knowing all your and your family’s financial needs are well covered.
Also Read: Why Term Insurance Should Be Your First Investment in 2025