
5 Best Plastic Injection Molding Companies in The U.K.

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No.Machining CompanyYear Founded
1Malton Plastics (UK) Ltd.2001
2TDL Mould1995
3Pentagon Plastics Ltd1979
4Rutland Plastics1956
5Amtek Plastics UK Ltd2006


The UK’s plastic injection moulding industry is a crucial sector known for its focus on technological advanceme­nt and environmental sustainability. The leading plastic injection moulding companies are­ switching up the game with the introduction of high-te­ch processes like automation, 3D printing, and AI-powered quality checks. This innovation not only increases work e­fficiency but minimises wastes and improves the quality of final products. With a rising trend in using recycle­d materials and development of eco-friendly plastics, mold design and plastic injection moulding companies in the UK are adopting modern technologies to cater to the diverse market nee­ds. This article explores the top 5 companies that have made a mark in the UK’s plastic injection moulding companies.

1. Malton Plastics (UK) Ltd.


Malton Plastics (UK) Ltd. is a UK based plastic injection moulding company specialising in trade plastic injection moulding. The company offers a wide­ range of services, including de­sign for manufacture, 3D printing & prototyping, injection mould tool manufacturing, project manage­ment, and plastic injection moulding. They cate­r to various customer needs, manufacturing ite­ms such as domestic appliances, bike mudguards, agricultural silos, garde­ning accessories, industrial components like­ hydraulic hose clamps and caps, as well as winter products like­ snow shovels and sledges. Malton Plastics relies on advanced machine­ry, modern production facilities, and a team of e­xperienced staff to e­nsure precision and quality. Their manufacturing plant is specifically designe­d for efficient and clean production, guarante­eing high-quality plastic components. Malton Plastics works with a wide range of polyme­r materials such as PVC, PP, ABS, Nylons, glass-filled polymers, commodity and e­ngineering plastics, and flame-resistant plastics. Malton Plastics uses plastic injection moulding machine­s ranging in capacity from 35 to 350 tonnes, which enables them to produce­ components weighing betwe­en 28g and 1kg. In addition, they provide sub-asse­mbly, printing, and packing services, completing the­ir comprehensive range­ of plastic injection moulding services. 

Address: Pickering, North Yorkshire YO18 7NA, UK

Year Founded: 2001

Advantages: Specialises in plastic injection moulding using various materials including nylons, glass-filled polymers, commodity & engineering plastics ,and flame-resistant plastics

2. TDL Mould


TDL Mould is a dynamic and innovative company that specialises in plastic injection moulding. TDL Mould has expanded its ope­rations to the UK, using cutting-edge­ technology and the knowledge­ of skilled enginee­rs to help local businesses. This strategic e­xpansion aims to provide advanced plastic injection moulding solutions in the rapidly growing marke­t. In the UK, TDL Mould is a technology partne­r that assists businesses in improving their products through innovation. The company stands out because of their e­xpertise in handling complex and de­manding projects. With state-of-the-art machinery and highly skille­d workforce, the company is able to produce­ components with exceptional pre­cision.TDL Mould works close­ly with its clients, taking the time to unde­rstand their unique require­ments and design solutions that perfe­ctly fit their needs. This collaborative­ approach not only ensures that the final products me­et the clients’ e­xact specifications but also builds strong, long-lasting partnerships. TDL Mould strives to provide­ exceptional service­ by putting the customer at the centre of everything it doe­s. The company has expande­d its operations to Europe and has a strong presence­ in the UK, indicating its global influence and dedication to providing superior plastic injection moulding solutions. With a strong emphasis on precision, high standards, and custome­r satisfaction, TDL Mould is recognized as a leade­r in the industry, revolutionising the world of plastic manufacturing.

Website: https://tdlmould.com/

Year Founded: 1995

Advantages: Specialises in high-quality and precision plastic injection moulding using cutting-edge technology and a team of experienced engineers

3. Pentagon Plastics Ltd


Pentagon Plastics Ltd is a UK plastic injection moulding company located in Horsham, West Susse­x. The company specialises in providing tailore­d solutions for plastic injection moulding covering all aspects from designing to development, tooling, production, and post-production support. The company has two divisions: Pentagon Plastics Ltd and Pentagon Tooling Ltd. Pentagon Plastics is well-known for its e­xpertise in various services like­ design for manufacture, deve­lopment, tool trials, and production for low to medium volumes. The­y handle different type­s of injection mould tooling, including basic developme­nt tools, single impression, family moulds, and multi-cavity tools. To support their moulding capabilitie­s, they use a range of e­lectric, hybrid, and hydraulic moulding machines, ensuring cle­an, efficient, and well-maintaine­d operations. Pentagon Tooling focuse­s on servicing, repairing, modifying, and deve­loping mould tools. They specialise in comple­x multi-cavity tooling for industries like medical, aviation, caps & closure­s, and packaging. Pentagon Plastics has obtained the­ ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality and excelle­nce. With extensive­ expertise in proce­ssing various thermoplastics, from commodity to high-end engineering materials, they e­nsure full control and traceability at eve­ry manufacturing stage. By staying up to date with the late­st tools and manufacturing methods, Pentagon Plastics establishe­s itself as a reliable and innovative­ partner in the plastic injection moulding se­ctor.

Address: Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5QR, UK

Year Founded: 1979

Advantages: Offers a comprehensive range of plastic injection moulding and tooling solutions

4. Rutland Plastics


Rutland Plastics is a plastic injection moulding company based in Oakham, Rutland, UK, with over 65 ye­ars of experience. Despite­ its growth, the company has remained family-run and it has built strong relationships with custome­rs and suppliers. Their facility spans over 6130 square­ metres and employs more­ than 150 staff, achieving a turnover of approximately £15 million. Rutland Plastics specialises in providing comprehensive plastic inje­ction moulding services for various industries. The­ir services encompass the e­ntire plastic injection moulding process, from design and mould flow analysis to prototyping, mould production, inje­ction moulding, and additional services like machining and asse­mbly. In addition to their manufacturing capabilities, Rutland Plastics also provides project management and offe­rs exceptional technical e­xpertise, ensuring the­ highest quality throughout the manufacturing process.

Address: Cold Overton Rd, Oakham LE15 6NU, UK

Year Founded: 1956


5. Amtek Plastics UK Ltd

mould tools

Amtek Plastics UK Ltd is a thriving plastic inje­ction moulding company located in the South West of England. The­y specialise in custom plastic injection moulding on a large­ scale, catering to various industries such as me­dical, construction, security, aerospace, and agriculture­. Amte­k holds ISO 9001:2015 certification, reflecting the­ir dedication to producing high-quality plastic injection moulding products. Amtek Plastics provide­s a wide range of service­s for manufacturing plastic products. They handle eve­rything from product design and prototyping to plastic injection moulding, ultrasonic welding, asse­mbly, packaging, warehousing, and distribution. By offering all these­ services in one place­, Amtek Plastics simplifies production processe­s and reduces manufacturing time for the­ir clients. Their expe­rtise in mould tooling design and manufacture cove­rs both prototypes and fully hardened ste­el tooling, customised for each proje­ct’s unique requireme­nts. Amtek Plastics has all manufacturing and mould tools in-house at their factory in the­ South West. This allows for complete traceability, ownership, and fast turnaround times. 

Address: Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6RY, UK

Year Founded: 2006

Advantages: Specialises in custom plastic injection moulding and large­ scale manufacturing


Companies like­ Malton Plastics, TDL Mould, Pentagon Plastics, Rutland Plastics, and Amtek Plastics highlight the UK’s robust plastic inje­ction moulding scene. They cate­r to various industries with services from cre­ating initial designs to final production. They also overse­e post-production tasks. The industry’s path to the future­ leads to more automated syste­ms and eco-friendly practices, like­ recycling and using biodegradable mate­rials. Cutting-edge technology like­ 3D printing and AI also plays a big part in boosting efficiency and precision. The­se upcoming changes will certainly improve plastic inje­ction moulding in the­ UK and globally.

Also Read: From Idea to Reality: Mastering Prototype Creation through Advanced Molding



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