Motorcycle Accident with a Drunk Driver

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident with a Drunk Driver

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In Sin City, where parties often spill onto the streets, drunk driving collisions are all too common. If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident with a DUI perpetrator in Las Vegas, stay calm and prioritize your safety. In Nevada, 1 in 5 fatal crashes involve a drunk driver, which is why one should seek medical attention and report the incident to LVMPD. To learn more, consider speaking to a legal professional.

Motorcycle crashes can cause life-changing experiences for individuals involved in them. They can be even worse when alcohol is a factor in the accident. In such a scenario, a drunk driver will likely be responsible for the collision occurrence. If you ever find yourself in such a situation following a motorcycle crash involving a drunk driver, it’s essential to understand the necessary steps to take promptly. This informative article will offer insights on how to handle yourself after such an unfortunate event occurs so that you can safeguard your rights and aim for the best possible resolution to the situation. 

Safety First

After an accident occurs, the top concern should be safety above all else. Motorcycle accidents tend to result in serious injuries compared to car accidents due to the lack of protection from a vehicle frame for motorcyclists involved in the collision. If you are capable of doing so, physically move yourself to the side of the road or a secure location away from traffic and activate your hazard lights to signal to passing drivers that an accident took place. 

Collect Information 

Make sure to share information with everyone who was involved in the accident. This includes witnesses, if there were any around at the time of the incident. Collect their names and contact details. Note down license plate numbers and insurance information well. Also, remember to take pictures of both vehicles involved in the accident and any visible injuries. 

Contact the Insurance Company

Make sure to contact your insurance provider to inform them about the accident and give them an account of what happened. Avoid sharing any extra details that are not essential. Wait until you’ve spoken with a lawyer before engaging in any conversations with the party’s insurance company. 

Seek advice from a professional

Getting guidance is essential in situations where you’re dealing with accidents caused by drivers. It’s advisable to contact a personal injury lawyer specializing in motorcycle collisions, as they can assist you in comprehending your entitlements and assessing your situation. They can also provide support throughout the proceedings, like interacting with insurance firms and possibly moving toward a lawsuit. 

Consult an Attorney

Make sure you keep all the proof linked to the accident and your injuries, such as records, police statements, pictures of your injuries, and vehicle damage. Combine these records with any evidence, like security footage, from nearby shops—they might come in handy for building a solid case down the line when needed. 

Compensation Review

An experienced personal injury lawyer knows how to calculate the compensation for injuries sustained in an accident, like bills and lost income or earning potential (both current and future), as well as pain and suffering and property damage. Accountability is their responsibility—to secure fair compensation for the physical and emotional challenges faced in these situations. 

Preserve Witness Testimony

Make sure to collect contact details from any bystanders who saw the accident happen. They can provide information to back up your side of the story and bolster your case. Contact the witnesses to obtain their accounts of what transpired during the accident to establish a timeline of events and potentially enhance your stance when dealing with insurers or presenting your case in court. 

Explore Options for Resolving Disputes

Sometimes, it might be helpful to consider alternate ways of settling disputes, like mediation or arbitration or getting involved in a drawn-out legal fight in court. These options could lead to a speedier resolution while still giving you the chance to get compensation for any harm you’ve suffered from the situation at hand. Talking it over with your lawyer can give you a better idea if these routes are suitable for your particular case. 

Self Care 

Dealing with the consequences of a motorbike crash caused by a driver under the influence can take a toll on you both emotionally and physically. During this period of time, it’s crucial to focus on taking care of yourself. Reach out to your family and friends for help; think about participating in groups that offer support to those who have been through accidents or even consider getting therapy from a professional. 


Getting into a motorcycle crash caused by a drunk driver can be an upsetting ordeal to go through. But if you follow these guidelines carefully after such an event happens to you, you can make it out safely. Focus on safety first at the scene of the accident, collect details like witness accounts, make sure to get medical care, inform your insurance provider, and speak with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases. 

Also Read: The Price of Freedom: Ohio’s Motorcycle Accident Toll



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